Hidden Gekko
3 Years and 100 Posts 0_o
And they seem to be getting worse. The top line of the error report says 'Uncorrectable fbd (I think that's the one) memory error detected'. The only thing custom about the Mac Pro is a Seagate harddrive, but the panics were happening before I installed it. The only devices I ever hook up are a printer and scanner. I stopped having them plugged in permanently, only plugging them in when needed, but it doesn't seem to have helped. I looked at the RAM to see if it was connected properly, and it is. This error seems to be completely random. It has happened while a screensaver has been running, ejecting an iPod, closing a Safari window, playing a game, working in Photoshop... you get the idea. It seems like it could happen any second. It's starting to get on my nerves. I've been able to run Windows XP without a problem on an Apple machine, while OS 10.4.8 could panic at any given moment.
There's something sad about that.
There's something sad about that.