Originally spewed by pbrice
Unlike terran74, who thinks he speaks for the rest of us:
I always speak for the rest of us. Afterall, this is the computer for the rest of us.
I, for one, am not a windows fan, but enjoy the simplicity of a single window mode for some things, and the option of using the spawning window mode by holding down **APPLE / COMMAND** when double-clicking. Single window mode is especially useful with Column view, where multiple windows can be more of a nuisance than a benefit. NOt to mention, single window mode can be a lot quicker to get around without having to move your cursor a lot, and closing windows.
Column view is the most difficult counter productive view i've seen. First of all, the live scrolling bites. I have a G4/400 with 320 Mbs of ram, second drive for my swap file, and an ATI Radeon. It still crawls and even when it wasn't so horrible to use this view in NeXT, it was still a pain to navigate. Maybe its good if you want to go to the folder previous to the one you are in but unless you have a window that stretches all across your screen to get to the folders down the tree, what good is it? It's just another view but I hardly call it a replacement to any Classic feature.
of the handiest and most work-flow streamlining features that Apple has come up with in years. I use it, and I think a great number of others use it as well. DO you realize, terran74, that the toolbar puts spring-loaded folders to shame, making moving and copying files a quick and painless single-step drag and drop to your most used folders, instead of waiting and navigating through folder after folder when using spring loaded folders. I hope you realize that you can drag and drop items to any folder you put in the toolbar. Because if you think it's useless, I'm guessing you haven't figured this out yet.
I have figured this out. Trust me mr. man, springloaded folders are coming back and they can't even touch the simplicity of spring loaded folders. Sure its great that you can drag into your favorite folder. But that is just 1 folder. I have to usually drag items into 10s to 100s of folders in a week. Am I supposed to put all those in my toolbar? I think not. Keep your favorites. I'll take my spring loaded folders which not only allowed me to place items BUT IT ALSO ALLOWED ME TO QUICKLY VIEW ITEMS without having a string of windows to close. It was brilliant.
Just because Avie thinks column view is best does not mean we must all listen to him and convert. I think Apple knows to bring back those popular features into MacOS X. What harm is it to bring them back?
So says the rest of us.
Have a nice day.