Transfering Favorites from Explorer to Safari

Bill Alarid

How can I transfer my Favorites from Microsoft Explorer To Safari?
I run System10.3 on a new Powerbook.
I understand this can be done the first time one opens Safari but I have already opened it many times.
Bill Alarid
They should already be imported. Under the "Bookmarks" menu, choose "Show All Bookmarks". Look for a folder on the left called "Imported IE Favorites".
ElDiabloConCaca said:
They should already be imported. Under the "Bookmarks" menu, choose "Show All Bookmarks". Look for a folder on the left called "Imported IE Favorites".

OK I just tried that but there are just a few standard ones that were originally imbeded such as the Mac website. I recently moved about a hundred favorites from IE on an older machine to this one so what do I do now?
Well, there isn't an easy way to do it. You could download Camino from, then import your IE bookmarks into Camino (it'll do it for you, just select "import bookmarks" from the File menu), then use Camino to export those bookmarks in Safari format (Camino is the only browser I know that can export Safari-style .plist bookmark files). Then you can replace your Bookmarks.plist file with the newly exported one...

Or, you could export your bookmarks, post them here, and I or someone else could do the conversion for ya!