Transfering Mail


I'm trying to transfer my mailboxes from my old g4 tower to my new g4 tower. the oldser g4 is using os10.3 and the new one is using 10.4
It seems that the newer version of Mail is having some problems veiwing the older mailboxes.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Without knowing how you're trying to transfer the email from one machine to the other, it's pretty difficult to give you any thoughts... please describe in detail the procedure you're using to try and transfer the mail from one machine to the other.
Hi guys.

I don't want to make another thread so I ask my question in here.

I upgraded from Panther to Tiger and saved my mailboxes in raw message source format.In Tiger if I want to import them,it won't let me to import those already saved mailbox files.What to do? Doesn't mail 2.x support mail 1.x raw mesage source format? Help... ;(
