Yes, I do understand that. But a php script
won't work for a site you're just visiting. It'll only work if you have access to the site, and can put that script there...have it be accessed...etc, etc. That's what I meant by saying that you can do it on your own server.
Mine was just a general question...maybe I just phrased it badly., I'll try saying it this way. For any site that you surf to that you see is XHTML, and you're curious and validate it just to see if it validates, have you seen any that properly send it as text/xml, application/xml, or application/xhtml+xml rather than just plain text/html?
I actually haven't (well...ok, other than various ones at W3C, anyway
And like I said, it doesn't really hurt it any, most XHTML-aware browsers will parse the page as XHTML rather than plain HTML even if the content type was sent as text/html.
I'm just mainly curious to know how many XHTML pages out there are actually being served as XHTML.