Trouble networking OSX and OS9 machines


I am working on a TiBook with OS X (10.1.5) and everyone else in my office is running OS 9.2.2
I can connect to there machine with no problems. Inorder for them to connect to mine I have to create a user for their computer - all normal I assume.

I am confused though - when they connect to my machine from the chooser they are given a list of users to select from (after they have entered username and pass), in the past it has always been a list of hard drives for that computer not users.

Is this normal for OS X??

If not please tell me how to fix this issue.

Why did you create a user for external use. I just turn on file sharing on OSX system. But I have only one user setup on system. Go to OS 9 , Chooser, Appleshare, then select Machine name. then user and psswrd. Then shows 2 items, volume name, and user name. Again I have only one user on system. Can you get into any other USER at that point? I can look at root of drive, or in user folder. Once you have mounted a volume in OS9, you can make an alias of volume, leave alias wherever you like. Double click to go immediately to login window. Works like a charm.:D
What about OSX network. How can you assign a network user and their password ( other than creating another account on your computer (would be a nightmare on a large network).
Somehow I think is linked to he network icon in the top level of a finder window- but have no idea.
I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish, but here's some points to consider.

OS 9 has an owner (which when you connect over the network) see the whole hard drive. Other users created in user&groups see only what they are allowed to based on the permissions you've assigned.

OS X allows Administrators to see the whole hard disk and other users see their home directory (and other's public folders of their home directories).

Again, as I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish exactly, but your best bet would be to get a shareware OS X Preference Pane called SharePoints. Look on version tracker for it (

That preference pane will allow you to set sharing options for different folders including rights and the fine tuning you may want to do...
