Ts File Extensions


In the alt.binaries.hdtv newsgroup, I discovered a series of files - example - 001.ts thru 017.ts and each file is 100mb in size. Can I somehow play these on an eMac in OS X 10.4.2. I've tried downloading one file and it plays in VideoLan but it's like slow motion with no sound.

What I've achieved thru Google searches, other than a headache, is that transport streams are something pc/windows users can play but mac users cannot, without some sort of seventeen step all day conversion process.

Is there some way to download and play these on my eMac?

Thanks in advance.

I would assume the eMac's slower processor is probably the bottleneck and why you're experiencing slow down when playing back the streams. HD video is pretty much reserved for higher-end computers, like the iMac G5 and PowerMac G5. It takes some pretty good horsepower to play it back flawlessly.

I did find one program that converts HD transport streams to different formats -- seems to be pretty one-step:

I took a look. That should do the trick nicely. Thanks again.

Now, if I could only find a friendly lottery ticket, I could afford a G5...and a Quad...yeah, that's the ticket!

(interesting sidebar) Did you know there are two companies in the USA who build computers here and their assemblers are union? Unfortunately, neither one is Apple.