

hi guys, i need help.
i have ibook G4 800Hmz at the moment and I want to sell it. It looks like someone wants to buy it and I need to know how to format/clean the hard drive and clean install Mac OSX 10.3 that came with the ibook.
I hope you guys can help me because I have no idea. :) thank you!
If you still have the 10.3 install disk(s) then startup with those and then do a fresh install writing over everything (after you erase the disk with the install disk).

Now, if you really paranoid, and you have another Macintosh, do a Firewire target disk mode on the machine. Then use the other Mac's Disk Utility Application and wipe the disk (on the Mac you are selling) at least 3 times and then do a reinstall. Lastly, if you are super paranoid, after the three wipes, place the hard drive (from the selling Mac) on top of you microwave and cook the microwave for at least 10 minutes. The hard drive would be good to go (and it may not work after that). :rolleyes:
Actually just starting up with the CD and using disk utility to erase it should do. Choose the option to overwrite the disk with random data and no one will be able to recover anything. Better leave it overnight though as it can take awhile.
thanks guys and thanks to bobw on my previous thread that i didnt realize that i did click submit button and made another same thread. :)

will try to do it next week when i get my payment :p