Unreleased G5 service document photos

what is that extra space used for? Looks a bit wasted by now. Maybe space for additional discs? Or some more fans?
The article said that it could be used for 2 additional harddrives (potentially), giving the G5 the ability to have up to 1terabyte disk storage.

Plus, there seems to be a revised cooling system, as there are fewer fans in the computer.
I just hope the fan restrucuring doesn't make it noiser. I'm a big proponent of silent computers. I freaking hate computer noise. I carved a hole in my wall at home and put my tower in the other room just cuz it made noise. Course it was the loudest computer Apple ever made.
Doesn't look fake to me. I'm not one to buy into rumors easily, but I would bet that the new G5s released on the 28th look extremely similar, if not identical, to these machines shown here.
I didn't see the image, but the less cooling fans would be accounted for by the 90nm processor, which can run cooler.
There's a guy on Dealmac forums that works for Apple that implies the photos are fakes.
I find it a little odd that the heatsink on the "new G5s" is bigger than that of the current ones. And Apple is unlikely to release new G5s before they promised :)
If it is a fake, it seems like an odd thing to bother faking. Usually fakes try to be a little more ambitious. On the other hand, if it's just subtle enough of a fake to be taken seriously, maybe that makes it an even better fake.

I'm going out on a limb and siding with real on this one.
They weren't photos that someone took of a G5 -- apparently, they came out of a new service manual PDF or informational PDF that came from Apple prematurely. I'm still betting "real."
The pix have been taken down by now (but they're still available in other places...).
The "connecter cable" on the bottom left corer looked a bit outta whack, like it was PSd to me. There was a few other minor things that caught my eye too...who knows, only time will tell now.