I'm thinking about upgrading my EMac within the next couple of months and would like anyones opinion on the two options I'm considering to help me decide which way to go. The ones I'm looking at are, the top end IBook and the low end IMac.
They're both the same price, the IMac has a better spec obviously but the IBook would be great for taking to work to watch DVD's when I'm bored etc.(I have pretty much the easiest job in the world). The only thing with the IBook I'm worried about is depreciation with them set to be the first update for the Intel line within the next year or whatever it is. The IMac is like all other IMacs and will hold it's value for a long time when I come to sell it on.
Anyway what do you think?
They're both the same price, the IMac has a better spec obviously but the IBook would be great for taking to work to watch DVD's when I'm bored etc.(I have pretty much the easiest job in the world). The only thing with the IBook I'm worried about is depreciation with them set to be the first update for the Intel line within the next year or whatever it is. The IMac is like all other IMacs and will hold it's value for a long time when I come to sell it on.
Anyway what do you think?