upgrading (gigabit) g4's graphics card


Lorem Ipsum
I need to attach a 20" cinema display to my 450 MP G4 (gigabit ethernet,) and I am not sure whether my radeon 32MB is capable of supporting that monitor.

Various apple pages imply that I would need to upgrade to a geforce2 mx... but for some reason I can only seem to find geforce2s for the g4 cube... which have a heat sync instead of a fan and somehow cost $140, seemingly a bit expensive for a 3-4 generation old graphics card.

What card would be good for just driving this new LCD?

Since i configured the system with the radeon, it came with an ADC connector already — I just wasn't sure whether the card was capable of driving the newer models. I called apple and they thankfully said the same thing,

thanks for the help,