I'm looking to buy a UPS to plug the following in... 3.0 Ghz Mac Pro, 30 inch Cinema Display, 24 inch iMac... I'm completely ignorant when it comes to UPS' and the wattage/voltage they provide. I believe the Mac Pro has a killowatt power supply in it (or maybe it was the quad G5)... What is the minimum for the wattage I should get to have all of these plugged in to and have a decent battery backup. I've read online of some people saying you'll only get 3 minutes of backup, to some people saying 30 minutes. I don't care regardless, I just want to know and I have no idea how to find out. If anybody could give me a link to a UPS they know will work for what I need that would be even better. I'm not worried about the price... If I need it I need it, I'd rather spend $500 on something good. Any and all help is appreciated.