usb turns on computer ???


When I plug in the usb cable into my mac it magically boots it all by itself .
I am running 10.2.3 on a powerbook g4 - the usb cable connects my hp 2210 multifunctionprinter.

Is there any explanation and solution to this ?

Well, assuming that you're talking about waking from sleep.... here's the explanation:

When I was using USB peripherals on my PowerBook G3 with OS9, you could not plug or unplug USB things while the computer was asleep. if you did, the next time you tried to wake up the computer, it would freeze, or give you an error, or something like that.

But nowadays, you can plug and unplug, and the computer is smart enough to figure things out. It senses that something has either been plugged in, or unplugged, wakes up, figures out what the peripheral is, and then, (if your PowerBook's lid is closed) goes back to sleep again. The Mac is just taking the time to see what's there, figures it out, then goes back to sleep. No big whoop. Better than a crash or error, like the good ol' days.
I have a related problem. I leave for the weekend and come home on sunday to find my computer booted upand running after i shut it off on friday before I left! It freaked me out the first time. Why does it do this? I can't figure it out at all. Is OS X booting it up to do the processes at night? I usually leave my computer on during the week (not sleep mode just up).

Any Ideas?
I had an inkjet printer that would boot an iMac anytime i plugged the USB cable into the computer. It turnd out the printer was to blame and somehow sending the startup command (USB keyboard power button) to the CPU in question. Could be a similar problem or try another USB cable and see if that makes a difference.
Are you plugging it into the keyboard or some sort of USB hub? Try plugging it directly into the back of the computer into its own USB port.