Using optical drive in Windows XP slows system down

Using Windows XP on my MacBook Pro works fine, but I find while I am using the optical drive (ie. burning, ripping, copying, etc) the entire system slows down. Even the mouse cursor becomes very laggy and unresponsive.

I have just installed the latest drivers released by Apple, but the problem persists. It doesn't seem to be a common problem, as I can't seem to find any other posts on the same topic, unless I'm just using the wrong keywords.

Has anyone else had this problem?
Might it just be Windows being unruly? Not trying to make it a Mac/Windows thing, just that I know sometimes Windows tends to slow down during stuff like this even on my Windows computer. What program are you using to burn the disc?
I remember having to force the CD drive to use DMA instead of PIO mode. I think that can be done via the control panel in Windows. It's been a long time though, but this could well be the issue.
It doesn't seem to matter what app I use. In fact, the system will slow even while I am copying files off of a disc, or while installing an application. Basically, whenever the disc drive is in use.

they were already set to DMA. I tried switching them to PIO but the same thing happened. I did notice while in the Device Manager that quite a few device controllers have duplicates. I have tried removing the duplicates but Windows installs them again after I restart, so maybe it's normal.