utility applications

which sound/audio application would b best suitable for my macosx, cos soundstudio sucks
Please elaborate on your request. You're being extremely vague, and, as such, you can only expect equally vague answers in return.

If you would like some sort of "sound/audio" application for your computer, please tell us exactly what kind of computer you have, how much memory you have, what version of OS X you're running, and exactly what you want to do in the way of sound/audio.

Do you want to edit audio? Record audio? MIDI? What exactly do you want? And what do you mean by "utility applications?"
well i actually use a macosx panther gbook 4, i would like a sound application that i can use to edit ,modify and alter sound files, the same thing goes for the video application my qiuck time player does not play some vcds, s i would like which does, i have like 27gb of free memory oh, if i can get a graphic application too that would b very very appreciated,