In first i have to say my english is not my mother's language, so I will be able to have difficulties of expressing me ...
So Please if you could use a "cool" english for me to anderstand everything ... Like if i was a child of 8 years old, you know ?!
I have an iMac G5 20" bought in january 2005
I'm on Tiger latest update
No peripherals added
A netgear dg834 to access ADSL 4Még
My first problem is :
I find that Mac os X is beginning slow with starting, after login with my username : it takes time to launch the finder and others applications placed in automatic opening at login ; i have during 10 seconds approximately the colored coil and nothing, just the wallpaper, then Finder is launched.
After i haved Mail which is starting automatically and taking time to launch too.
I have a second problem but not sure it's connected to the first :
Sometimes it appears a question mark of Safari in the Dock (always of Safari and always placed at the same place -> second on the left).
I used Onyx tu purge all "masks" (caches en français) of the system and applications but it appears sometimes again ...
I don't know with wich action this question mark can appears ...
I thank you for giving me attention,
In first i have to say my english is not my mother's language, so I will be able to have difficulties of expressing me ...
So Please if you could use a "cool" english for me to anderstand everything ... Like if i was a child of 8 years old, you know ?!
I have an iMac G5 20" bought in january 2005
I'm on Tiger latest update
No peripherals added
A netgear dg834 to access ADSL 4Még
My first problem is :
I find that Mac os X is beginning slow with starting, after login with my username : it takes time to launch the finder and others applications placed in automatic opening at login ; i have during 10 seconds approximately the colored coil and nothing, just the wallpaper, then Finder is launched.
After i haved Mail which is starting automatically and taking time to launch too.
I have a second problem but not sure it's connected to the first :
Sometimes it appears a question mark of Safari in the Dock (always of Safari and always placed at the same place -> second on the left).
I used Onyx tu purge all "masks" (caches en français) of the system and applications but it appears sometimes again ...
I don't know with wich action this question mark can appears ...
I thank you for giving me attention,