Video chat with Ibook g4?


Hey guys, I have an Ibook G4 and I have Ichat AV, Adium, and MSN messngers installed. I am able to start an audio chat with other users but I am unable to view webcams.
My friend has a blackbook with the webcam built in, so I thought I could see him although I do not have a webcam...but there doesnt seem to be a way for me to see theirs. Would they have to send me an invite instead of me requesting it? Not sure how that works.

Did apple make it so I can not ask to see their webcam, and the only way I can see it is if I have my own webcam? Or is it so I can only view it if they invite me to view it?

Thanks guys
You can only see the other users audio or video capabilities when you have the same capabilities.
When you can't do even audio, your client won't show them. If you don't have a camera working with iChat, you don't see the video capabilities either.
The user with the iSight can initiate for a one-way video if you don't have video capabilities. There is no magic button to send the request for the other user, so just type the invite in text and send.
That sucks, why did apple do that? is it for all messengers or just iChat?
On PC's, its just there and you can request to see it...going to miss that button.

The user with the iSight can initiate for a one-way video if you don't have video capabilities. There is no magic button to send the request for the other user, so just type the invite in text and send.

So there is no button you just click? Is there some type of code to type when you invite someone in the text? Or does it recongnize "invite" like it would recognize :) as a smiillie and automatically turn it into an invite?
I dont use either firewall or a router.
I use dial up, so im sure hackers would love hacking my computer with its blazing fast 900 B/S speed!
I plan to go to DSL in a few months. I think I have to buy the DC-in board since my computer is progressivly becoming worst. It will only take a charge if you prop is up then put something under the charging plug untill it charges or if it is sitting on a desk, you have to clamp the wire to something and wiggle it till it charges. The thing is getting wrost too, its so sensitive that when the hard drive spins up from the computer being asleep, the computer stops charging. Some times the thing will take a charge for 3 seconds then stop for 3 seconds and keep doing that for a while then it will stop charing altogehter.
Id hate to think my logic board is bad, I think the previous owner got it replaced right before I got it. Apple did the replacement, funny thing is, the old owner told apple it wont take a charge properly and they didnt fix it.