I upgraded from VPC 6 with Windows 2000 installed separately by me to VPC 7.02 ( ( bought the Upgrade from Apple and I had my own Windows 2000. ) VPC 7.02 works fine with Windows 2000. Now I want to install my own copy of Windows XP Professional. This disk boots fine on a PC but I cannot get it to boot on my IMac G5 with VPC 7.02 and System 10.4.2. ( It would also not boot with Panther.) I never get to the screen that says "Press any key to boot." I just get a small bliking dash and "OS not found" never leaves. I have tried resetting the PC but I just get the blinking dash. I also tried to get the Windows XP CD to boot on my Powerbook G4 800 MHz machine with OS 10.2.8 and VPC 6.1.1.
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.