Crotchety UI Nitpicker
Source: http://www.macobserver.com/article/2006/06/29.13.shtml
Microsoft has announced that Vista will not include the much-ballyhooed (and legitimately interesting and forward-thinking) WinFS file system.
I shouldn't be surprised, since Microsoft's favorite hobby for the past year or two has been ripping features out of Vista. All that remains is a shriveled husk of a next-gen OS. Can someone remind me what Vista has that XP doesn't? It has a nice new facelift, and an equivalent of CoreImage (which the facelift is built around). Is that all?
If I were a Windows user, I would be soooo annoyed. Three years ago, Longhorn (now Vista) sounded like a really good, maybe even revolutionary product. It promised to take a technological leap forward similar to Apple's leap from OS 9 to X. But over the years, it's just become more and more like XP.
So...yeah. Vista's been crippled again. I urge you now to point, laugh, and generally be smug.
Microsoft has announced that Vista will not include the much-ballyhooed (and legitimately interesting and forward-thinking) WinFS file system.
I shouldn't be surprised, since Microsoft's favorite hobby for the past year or two has been ripping features out of Vista. All that remains is a shriveled husk of a next-gen OS. Can someone remind me what Vista has that XP doesn't? It has a nice new facelift, and an equivalent of CoreImage (which the facelift is built around). Is that all?
If I were a Windows user, I would be soooo annoyed. Three years ago, Longhorn (now Vista) sounded like a really good, maybe even revolutionary product. It promised to take a technological leap forward similar to Apple's leap from OS 9 to X. But over the years, it's just become more and more like XP.
So...yeah. Vista's been crippled again. I urge you now to point, laugh, and generally be smug.