Vote for "Macintosh: 1984" as best superbowl ad ever!

Yea it looks like you need real player to play the clips. I refuse to install that &*^* on my Mac. I hate real player. On the pc it installs all kinds of junk and tries to take over every audio/video app.
I did email the web-master whatever good that will do.
Real Player for OS X it just installs itself and NOTHING else... Give it a try, ASAP! You will not regret it! ;)

Yes, I have never had a problem with it.
While I can appreciate allegiance to Quicktime ;-) personally, I think of it as rewarding companies for developing for OS X.
Several of those commercials were cute, like the Pepsi and Tobasco ones, but I voted for the Levi's one. I've always loved the way that dude walks.

Besides, the 1984 ad was voted best commercial ever. That means it's already the best Superbowl ad.
personally, i vote based on my actuall wanting to see the commercial again for some reason. the apple is is ok, but hardly worth watching over and over. whereas, the busweiser and noxema ads are definately worth showing your friends.
Besides, the 1984 ad was voted best commercial ever.

When / where / by whom was this?

personally, i vote based on my actuall wanting to see the commercial again for some reason

Well, whatever floats your boat. I only drew attention to it as an opportunity for us'ers to promote our platform of choice.

If you're interested, here's a link to a Superbowl-TV-Commercial issue of much greater importance:
If you decide to use Google then the world will be your oyster.

Uh huh. Nice.

So if anybody says anything here, and I wonder about the source, I should research it on Google, rather than just ask the person who said it? Yeah, that makes sense.

Anyway, I know about the CBS controversy, being a Moveon member (and SNL viewer). I mean, I even voted on that ad for the top 15, I think.