VPC 6 help


I want to reinstall jaguar and i dont feel like installing all the programs i already installed in vpc. What do i do to save the changes so i dont have to install everything again.
You'll need to save your hard drive image that VPC boots off of. Once you back that up you should be safe. I'm not sure how VPC 6 saves things. I worked with VPC 5 and I believe they saved the image as an .img file

If you look in the prefs of VPC, it should tell you where VPC is starting from.
back up the hard drive image file. You should be able to setup a new PC after reinstall and point it to the existing disk image.
I installed win xp (which im trying to back up) from a win xp cd. I dont know where that drive image is?
Try to search for a file larger than say 100000 Kb, using find command. Probably will be the largest file on your system. You should be able to identify the right file then.
Originally posted by THEMACER
Just searched and nothing? Can anyone with vp6 tell me where theres is please i need to erase this hd.

The default location is in your "document" directory inside your "home" directory.

You will need to copy the whole disk image folder and files. If you search for ".vhdp" for the encompasing folder or ".vhd" for the the disk image file, you should find it.

When you have reinstalled the OS and vPC, just create a new OS using the vPC install wizard and choose the existing hard disk image option.
In my documents folder i have 2 vpc folders one says Virtual PC List, and the other VPC Scripts. They both have about 30kb together it cant be these files can it?
Originally posted by THEMACER
I really need some help i have some important apps in windows that i need to use

Are you still running vPC in OSX or in OS9? If you have re-started in OS9 you won't see any of your PCs - you nead to recreate them again i.e. create a new pc and attach to the existing virtual disks.

Your Documents directory will have 2 folders "Virtual PC Lists" and "Virtual PC Scripts"

It would appear that you chose to store your virtual PC virtual disks in another location when you created them.

Try searching all of your hard disks for either the name you chose for the virtual disk or ".vhdp" for the encompasing folder or ".vhd" for the the disk image files, and you should find them.

Good luck :)
I am running under mac osx jaguar. When i open up vpc now only w2k is shown and win xp doesnt any more. I tried to put the file image where win 2k is for win xp and still nothin. When i double click on the win2k icon it opens vpc and highlights win2k but when i do that to xp it doesnt open it just says the original file can not be found. I cant find where it is. Really need help.
Originally posted by scourman
You will need to copy the whole disk image folder and files. If you search for ".vhdp" for the encompasing folder or ".vhd" for the the disk image file, you should find it.

I'm assuming that the above has been posted correct. If the folder name is .vhdp it is hidden. that is why you're not seeing it. Try hitting "go to folder" in Finder then typing "/users/<your user name>/documents/.vhdp"
This should take you to the folder. From there you can copy the "xxx.vhd" file to wherever you wish.
I just tried to open win 2k and it doesnt work. A screen comes up as says press a to boot floopy and c to boot disc.
Your last post sounds like you have a couple different PC's defined, one of which doesn't have a hard disk image associated with it for one reason or another.

Can you provide screen shots of your VPC directory opened in List view with all subfolders opened inside? Might be helpful.

A couple of other questions:

1) is this an original install of VPC 5 or an upgrade from 4?

2) How many PC's do you have defined, and can you confirm that each has a boot volume assigned to it by VPC?