i have been running os 8.6 on my wallstreet powerbook with a sonnet g4/500 processor upgrade for a couple of years without problem. i installed 9.1 on a separate partition on my 20g hard drive and it ran ok too until i downloaded and installed 9.2.1 and then 9.2.2. and the computer began to freeze on start-up when running os 9.2 so i ran the "remove" for 9.2 and did a clean install of 9.1 from the cd. now even with all peripherals disconnected and all extensions turned off the computer won't wake from sleep in os 9.1. when i open the lid and hit a key instead of just waking up i get the start-up chimes then nothing. if i then push the power button it boots up ok but freezes within a minute or two. if i quickly change the start-up disk and boot into os 8.6 everything works ok.