twister: If we sit back and do nothing they will hit us again and again.
Please explain what "again" #1 and "again" #2 stand for. I must have missed that history class where Iraq invaded USA again and again.
I just mean that if we don't do something they will continue to attack us.
Continue ? Attack ? Really, I don't see what you mean. Please explain, give me some clues, I feel some Iraq offensive on the US has supervened and I've just missed it.
I think if we have troops over there fighting for our country, then we won't have terrorist over here bombing our buildings.
Don't you understand both are linked ? Don't you understand that terrorism results of US troops controlling some parts of Middle East ?
Do you think Israeli troops invading Palestinian land has stopped extremist Palestinian terrorism ? Don't you think it has fuelled it ? Can't you see any possible instructive parallel between the US Iraq attack and the Tsahal troops occupying Palestinian ruins ?
(1) Bomb explodes at Tel-Aviv >
(2) Tsahal invades 60% Gaza strip, on same night Sharon makes offensive speech against Al Aqsa martyrs to justify Tsahal moves >
(3) Isr. army kills two Palestinians, one aged 4, while replying to stone throwing from local population >
(4) Palestinian pop. makes dramatical buryal, population angers, some young males move to terrorism
(5) Bomb explodes in Jerusalem one month after. back to stage (1).
(This logic is detailed in Elizabeth Schemla's last report, as published in her last book. E. Schemla is a French grand reporter who has spent years 1995-2001 in Palestinian camps).
What are our other choices? Just do nothing and let them come over and kill our people?
Are you completely paranoid or just affected at some serious point by US propaganda ? You better know this straight: Iraqi army is not invading your continent tomorrow !
Moreover, you could transpose you own words into Saddam's mouth, as an excuse not to disarm. Just imagine the following is from Saddam Hussein:
I refuse to disarm because US is a permanent threat in Middle East. What are our other choices? Just do nothing and let them come over and kill our people ?
As you can see, your logic makes strictly no sense: it's a hawk strategy, a pre-emptive strike lie, and this behaviour is growing more and more unbearable as we learn everyday from Hans Blix reports that Iraq is disarming.
As I'm writing this, France Info radio just annouces that, in three minutes, the 3rd inspectors' report will be finished.
Iraq is disarming. Time for me to add a NO WAR mention in my sig.