I hope that that didn't come as a surprise to you ... the USA on their turn with their foreign policy made of bullets should not be very surprised either.MDLarson said:Cat, I mention 9-11 because it is proof that extremists hated the USA before we went into Afghanistan or Iraq (excluding Desert Storm, of course.)
I never implied they were Bush's personal fault, but nevertheless they neither are an excuse for his actions. 9-11 is not a reason to invade Iraq: Iraq was in no way responisble for 9-11, no hijacker was from Iraq, Saddam did not have ties with Al-Quaeda, no fundamentalists were hiding in Iraq, Iraq was probably the most secular state in the middle-East. The USA helped Bin-Laden economically and directly with weapons and intelligence, to combat the "phantom menace" of the Sovject Republic. Now they reap their rewards. As a christian, I guess the line "who wields the sword shall die by the sword" should appeal to you ... the USA are the single greatest source of instability in the world right now, and it's coming back to bite them.It's also the single greatest turning point in the economy, and not at all attributable to GWB. You mentioned two other economic downturn factors (.com burst / Enron) that are equally not Bush's fault.
Invading a country while unprovoked is not foreign policy, it is a criminal act in international legislation. "The coalition of the willing" is a scam: it simply means that the USA are going to do whatever they please and if you're not with them you're against them. No actual diplomatic efforts have been made on USA's behalf.I view the Iraq issue as a very important issue, and not as a clever ploy to detract from some "real issue" or something. Is foreign policy not important? Maybe I'm not understanding your point on that.
You can agree with Bush, you can disagree with my posts, but please give reasons for it: WHY do you agree with Bush? WHY do you respectfully disagree with a post that states well documented and published facts? Every single inspector up to now has stated the Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction after 1995, they did not develop them, they did not buy uranium from Nigeria, they did not hide them in Syria. You cannot disagree with facts. This is not slander, this is not a biased lefty communist atheist opinion. It is a fact. Can you disagree with gravity? No: you might find it inconvenient, but there is no way you can respectfully disagree with gravity!
You do live here in this world I hope, and here if you disagree or deny things you have to back them up. So, give reasons if you have them. The same counts for the other side. Hate Bush all you want, but give reasons, not generalisations.
I have reasons for thinking Bush is doing a bad job, and I am giving them. Most of my "disagreement" with Bush's administration is that they didn't have good reasons for doing what they did. This makes them dangerous. I fear the USA more than I fear the so-called "axis of evil". Here is a hint why:
Bush maintains that despite the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Saddam Hussein posed "a grave and gathering threat to America and the world."
This allegation simply is not true, however much a monster Saddam may be.
Let's look at the issue Harpers style:
US population: 295 million
Iraq population: 24 million
US per capita annual income: $37,600
Iraq per capita annual income: 700
US nuclear warheads: 10,455
Iraq nuclear warheads: 0
US tons of lethal chemical weapons (1997): 31,496
Iraq tons of lethal chemical weapons (1997): 0
Number of foreign troops and civilians US military has killed since 1968: approx. 2 million
Number of foreign troops and civilians Iraqi military has killed since 1968: approx. 250,000