Warning: Politics: Howard Dean...


Simply Daemonic
First off, let me apologize of Howard Dean fans/supporters get offended by what I have to say.

Listening to Howard Dean's 'declaration' after the Iowa Caucus, I started wondering if Dean is somehow related to Steve Balmer (that could explain the ' Developers Developers Developers Developers Developers ' moment that dean had).

Anyone out there that can make a music video of howard dean (kinda like the developers music video of steve palmer) ??? ;)
I can't help ya with the video, but I will say that that dude freaked me out real good. Do I really wanna vote for someone who eats people?
Well if dean is the best that the dems have there...well screwed, does Kerry remind anyone else of abe lincoln? im kinda hoping clark gets the nomination but whether he can beat bush, whether anybody can beat bush for that matter remains to be seen. But this is bush were talking about so hes bound to screw up something before the elections. I must say Bush's speech last night sucked, it didnt touch on any of the relavant issues it just merely backed up his actions, its a sad day in age where an Iraqi citizen is getting more priority than americans, were having millions of jobs shipped overseas(thats what we can thank for our "economic growth" btw) and the bush administration isnt saying a damn thing about. Unfortunatley clinton cant run again and i dont think any of these dems can live up to the legacy that he has left. well i guess im gonna have to say anybody but bush '04!
Ideologicaly I am a conservative person, I agree with very few things that Bush has done, and I disagree with the mentality "Anything is better than Bush". Up until yesterday my gripe with Howard Dean was that he has sealed his records and he has flat out told people that when he sealed them he did it because he was unsure what he would do in the future and he did not want anything to come and haunt him (hmmm...did he do anything wrong?..I wonder). Today Dean looks like he transformed from a cowardly weasel that sealed his records to a sore loser. (God, it was *only* one primary/caucus! show some dignity :) )

Even though I am a conservative, I would vote for Kerry, Clark, or even Lieberman. If Dean wins the Nomination I will vote for myself for president (seriously)

Now back to the task at hand:
who can hook me up with a dean video ? I seriously want this for my collection. I re-downloaded monkeyboy...eeerr steve balmer I mean to keep dean company lol :p
PS on the bush state of the union:
saw the whole hour of it. I was disappointed that he did not talk more about domestic policy.
What domestic policy. Bush doesn't give a rats ass about the American people.
hate hate hate? ill tell you who to ask why, ask the families of the 500 american soldiers who have died for a meaningless cause while the oil industry is benefiting from it.

"(CNN) -- Two days after resigning as the Bush administration's top weapons inspector in Iraq, David Kay said Sunday that his group found no evidence Iraq had stockpiled unconventional weapons before the U.S.-led invasion in March."CNN

Thanks to our fine president this nation now faces a $477 BILLION dollar deficit CNN
His tax cuts are a joke and are hurting our economy, the lack of federal funding for education is now forcing school boards to shift money from smaller and by the way not mandated arts programs to fund special education programs now towns are raising property taxes...so there goes tax cut for the home owners and we loose great programs. Ask the millions of americans who have lost jobs to cheaper asian markets and now cant put food on the table, what does the bush administration do about it? nothing...some president who cares about domestic policy. Its sad when more priority is going toward iraqi reconstruction than the american working class, the very backbone of this country. How about Mr. Bush on gay rights? Apparently they have all the rights in the world unless they want to get married, thats not freedom but rather opression. We are being stripped of our civil rights in this country, just recently a federal judge struck down provisions in the patriot act as being unconstitutional CNN. I could go on forever but i think if your not seeing this you just a little bit out of touch and i dont mean to offend you.

Eh... I disagree about a lot of what you said, but I'm not here to argue. I'm just amazed at how absolutely incensed a lot of people are. Times are different, times are tough, but I very much doubt Bush is 100% to blame, like you Bush haters seem to think. There's one major factor that comes to mind that happened on Sept. 11 for instance. That puts it in perspective for me.

Can't say much more. Anybody find that Dean video? I haven't seen it, and it seems like everybody I talk to has.
Erm ... what's 9-11 got to do with anything? It was lousy excuse to go and wreck Afghanistan, it was absolutely unrelated to anything in Iraq, and while it might be a factor in the economic downturn, there are far bigger factors (.COM burst, ENRON scandal, etc.).
Could you tell me whether Bush plans to invest in building a good future for the USA at all, by investing in health care, job security, welfare, retirement, education, etc.?
Iraq and the "man on mars" things just distract from more important and fundamental issues.

Try to read this with and open mind.
WeeZer51402 said:
MDLarson, why do you like bush so much? In your mind what has he done thats been beneficial to the country?
Well, I just have the same core beliefs that the President has. I simply agree with him I guess. I characterize him as a defender of America and a leader who isn't afraid to use force to do what's right.

Cat, I mention 9-11 because it is proof that extremists hated the USA before we went into Afghanistan or Iraq (excluding Desert Storm, of course.) It's also the single greatest turning point in the economy, and not at all attributable to GWB. You mentioned two other economic downturn factors (.com burst / Enron) that are equally not Bush's fault.

I view the Iraq issue as a very important issue, and not as a clever ploy to detract from some "real issue" or something. Is foreign policy not important? Maybe I'm not understanding your point on that.

As far as Mars goes, I think it's cool, but I also think that space exploration is a waste of time and money, and a vain search for E.T. is driving it. I personally don't see the value of sending man to the moon or Mars again.

Again, I really don't want to argue point by point. I'm not going to read that article. I don't have time. I simply want to encourage people to stop "hating." It does no one any good at all and only makes you bitter. By all means, disagree; but don't be a hater.
I hate George Bush with a passion, and I will continue to hate him as long as he is in office. I plan to vote for whomever runs against him, no matter who the Democratic Party chooses to be on the ballot. I really don't see how you can support the man, since almost all the policies he has put into place since taking office have been detrimental to the American way of life in general.
I dont think iraq was a protective measure taken by the Bush Administration, as matter of fact Paul O'Neill said that there were plans on the table for an Iraqi ivasion pre-911, also that george bush was a blind man in a room full of deaf people. There were also iraq plans outlined by PNAC(Project for a New American Century) so i don't really buy into WMD's in Iraq especially after the statements made by david kay.
Your prerogative i guess, but keep in mind I am only giving facts. I guess I won't continue with this though because you didnt want to argue.