Incredibly frustrated here...
In short, I can watch video from any other website almost flawlessly...On CNN's website it is SO choppy I just give up...
I contacted CNN and Apple Care and both blame the other.
My wife and I both prefer CNN over, let's say MSNBC, but don't seem to have a choice here...
I have downloaded Adobe: Flash Player / Shockwave Player, Flip4Mac, and just recently Microsoft's SilverLight....Nothing seems to work even short term...
Apple Care had me do a "PRAM Reset" ??? It worked like a charm, but quickly returned everything back to choppiness...
YouTube works well too...
In short, I can watch video from any other website almost flawlessly...On CNN's website it is SO choppy I just give up...
I contacted CNN and Apple Care and both blame the other.
My wife and I both prefer CNN over, let's say MSNBC, but don't seem to have a choice here...
I have downloaded Adobe: Flash Player / Shockwave Player, Flip4Mac, and just recently Microsoft's SilverLight....Nothing seems to work even short term...
Apple Care had me do a "PRAM Reset" ??? It worked like a charm, but quickly returned everything back to choppiness...
YouTube works well too...