Weird Console Log Message from Camino


Mac Convert for Life
I've been using Camino now for a while, and I absolutely love it! I've had no problems at all, and it's always lightning fast! However, I do have one question: Although, everything seems to be working great, whenever I use Camino the following two messages appear in my Console log over and over again. I mean, there must be a hundred lines of these same messages (though they are not placed right on top of each other; there's a long string of the first message, then a long string of the second message:

Camino[351] JS error: MO is not defined
Camino[351] JS error: unterminated string literal

Anyone know what this means? Or if I should be concerned?

Thanks so much for your help.
cfleck said:
Somehow I knew when I saw the headline that included "Camino" and "Console" it had to be Amie.

I know nothing about what these messages are good for. But the folks at the Camino forum might be able to help...

Now, how did you know that? Wild guess? LOL Is that a subtle hint that maybe I'm using this forum too much? But ... but ... but I can't help it! You guys ROCK. :D
bobw said:
They're both JavaScript errors.
I don't understand how they could be JavaScript errors when my JavaScript seems to be working just fine. I get pop-ups all the time (when I should get pop-ups) telling me that I'm signing out and JavaScrip is quitting, etc. And Web pages that require JavaScript, I can view with no problems. So, I'm a little confused. Everything is working great, no problems at all. It's just those Console log messages...

Any advice? Or should I just not do anything and leave it alone?
Satcomer said:
Here is a MacOSX Hints tip to get Java working correctly in non Safari browsers.
According to the link, the bottom line is: Don't do anything, don't worry about it, and hold off on installing it because there are some problems. So, thanks for sending me that link.
Which version of Camino, Amie? Is it the beta (.9) or the regular version (.8). Yes, I know it sounds silly of me saying that since the fact that it's at a "0.x" version means it's pretty much beta. :p

If it's the .9 version, it's probably an error message due to the fact that it's still under development. Try the 0.8.4 version and see if you get that same error.

BTW, Console will normally report messages as well as errors even if it's nothing drastic. Think of it as the Even Viewer in Windows or the syslog in UNIX.
nixgeek said:
Which version of Camino, Amie? Is it the beta (.9) or the regular version (.8). Yes, I know it sounds silly of me saying that since the fact that it's at a "0.x" version means it's pretty much beta. :p

If it's the .9 version, it's probably an error message due to the fact that it's still under development. Try the 0.8.4 version and see if you get that same error.

BTW, Console will normally report messages as well as errors even if it's nothing drastic. Think of it as the Even Viewer in Windows or the syslog in UNIX.
I have the 0.8.4 version.