weird language problem



I have this small but frustrating problem. I just reinstalled Tiger because the language used by addressbook was in some oriental language. I tried removing every language except english in the international pref pane, trashing prefs, adding languages in the international pref pane, undoing that, thrashing more prefs... iSync would start up either.

I tried an archive and install and now addressbook is ok, but isync is in a skandinavian language? I managed to sync my phone though, helps being dutch for once.

So anyone have a clue what's going on. It's only isync that's corrupt me thinks. It's icon is gone too in the finder and quicksilver.


Open System Preferences (from your Dock icon) and open the International pane and click the Languages tab. Once that opens select the language you want to the top of the list by dragging it up. I am American so my 1 through five languages list as 1)English 2) U.S. English 3)Canadian English 4) British English 5) Australian English. After that is Mandarin Chinese and Japanese.

I hope this helps.
Hi Satcomer,

thanks for the tip. I did try to change languages in the international pref pane. Even with only english or dutch checked and nothing else in the list I get the app to show up in other languages. So that's the weird thing. It responds to the international pref pane but in an unpredictable way. Since I tried the archive and install it must be something in my user settings I guess.

It's my home machine and I'm at the office at the moment so I can't check, but very much open to suggestions. Except the one for a clean install ;)

Thanks again,

Hi Eric,

just got your post before leaving the office. Copied iSync there. Repairing disk permissions alone didn't help. Replacing it logging out and then repairing diskpermission did though. You either have a very good memory or know how to search this place better than i do ;)

Thanks for your help!
