Weird partition issues...


I got an 80gig Maxtor and tried to install OSX on it. I partitioned it via the installer to be 25/55. I installed to the 25gb partition. No good. It wouldn't boot. I heard that I should try a smaller partition. So I tried to install it again and change the partition info. For some reason, I could not get it to boot from the CD again so I put the HD in my PC and used partition magic on it and was finally able to get the boot info off of it so the system would use the CD. Now my Mac thinks my 80gb is now a 31gb drive! So, instead of having a dead Mac, I said "eff it" and paritioned it 5/26 and installed on the 5gb partition. Worked like a dream. But, I still only have 31gb total instead of 80gb like I should! Is there anyway to fix this? I'm willing to remove any and all data from the disk (partition table, boot records... you name it!) Anyways, I'd like to be able to use the full 80gigs of my disk. Thanks!
Just to let you know, I'm going to try to remove the jumpers during lunch today. Maybe that'll fix it. I'm interested in any other methods you may know of to fix this. Thanks!

Oh, one more thing... Is there any way to resize a partition without destorying it? Partition Magic for my PC can... Thanks!
What kind of Mac do you have? Some Macs (pre-B/W G3-era) require that the system be installed on the first partition of the drive, and that partition CANNOT exceed 8 GB total. So you may want to make a partition map like so:

1st partition - 7.5GB (just to be safe)
2nd partition - rest of the drive

Try that and see if it works!
Fixed. I removed the jumper and re-partitioned and re-installed Jaguar. Now I've got 80gigs to work with.