Wisbit said:
Hi, Thank you. I bought this used off of Ebay for my son who is 6. Our public schools use Apple exclusively.
This i-Mac is running Mac OS X 10.1.3 128 mb PowerPC G3 500 mhz
Where I primarily glitch is trying to get any program to run other than what is included in OS X. I keep getting an error message regaurding classic 9.
Classic 9 There is no volume with a system folder that supports starting classic. Please install Mac OS 9.1 or later.
Only one system disk was included with the purchase of this computer, it was the OS-X disk.
Thanks for any advice or reccomendations on what to do, and, what to get and where to get it.
You get that error message because you are attempting to run a program that is not OSX compatible. Is it necessary for you to run that OS9 (or earlier) program? Have you considered looking for an OSX program that serves the same function? See versiontracker.com and find out if such a program is available, or ask us in this thread.
The amount of ram (memory) in that iMac is very low. If you're interested in continuing to run OSX, see about upgrading to at least 384MB (I used to run an iMac G3 400 with that amount of ram, that's where I got the number), but the more the better. Keep in mind, though, that certain iMacs must have a firmware update before having a recent version of OSX installed. (I don't know if that applies to your computer, but I throw it out there for you to consider).
So, should you try to get ahold of a copy of OS9, or... should you increase the ram, perform a firmware update, and get a more recent version of OSX? This depends on whether you can afford to buy the extra ram (about 100 bucks?), and whether or not you can find OSX versions of the programs you need to run (most likely yes) and have the money to purchase them (many are free or purchased at low cost).
So, what programs are you trying to run? What operating system is being used by the macs at your child's school? At the school where I work, OS9 is the norm. Is it necessary for your child to have a computer that is compatible with those he uses at school? (If he needs to run the same exact program at home as he does at school, then the answer is yes.)
You can always purchase a copy of OS9 from ebay and install it on top of your OSX system (or you can also remove OSX altogether), but is that the best move? It all depends on your response to the prompts I provided above.