Well... it's the 28th :D

Remember the Rip - Mix - Burn campaign?

Jobs uses the new methodd to listen to music...
Acquire - Manage - Listen
No jog wheel, touch sensitive area. IPod has a dock. Dock has line out to hook up to a stereo or something. Firewire and usb2
new iPods are both mac and windows compliant, no more separate system ipods. Acc decoding, On the go playlists, personalizing the main menu, alarm clock, solitaire, parachute games

ALARM CLOCK, just what i needed!

sorry for my Caps (i'm just tooo excited!!) :D :D :D
can now create playlists on ipod
lighter then 2 cds in jewel cases
plays AAC invented by dolby
2 new games
"on the go" playlists
indiglo backlight, and the 4 buttons are the control buttons and have a red glow in the dar. Price for 10 gb 299, 15GB 399, 30 499. Available this friday