Well... it's the 28th :D

Getting a lot of 505 errors when trying to access the music store....

This could be a problem, but I'm sure it will die down later today.
Originally posted by michaelsanford
dlloyd: iPod Software 1.3 is available on Software Update. :cool:

software update for older ipods:

AAC support
About is now in Settings
Shortcut to Backlight in Main Menu

that's it for old ipods..... :(
the visualizer is tight too, the artwork right beside the track info. Now i need to know where the images are stored, i dragged straight off a site into the iTunes window, and they saved somewhere.
- Program launches and behaves faster.

- General look is elegant, although there's a BIG waste of space in the upper part of the iTunes window. Look at the space between the play controls and the music screen; now look at the size of the Search bar !

- I will use the Apple iCommune module. I hope many people will. I am not using the shop at all. Europe does not have the same purchasing power as US, Steve ! :o

- Make sure your system anti-aliases down to 9pt to have iTunes to display correctly (System Prefs > General).

- The picture function is as nice as useless IMHO. Too bad.
Originally posted by Urbansory
the visualizer is tight too, ...

i noticed that as well. i hit the visualizer button more by accident and i was like "hey, why the heck does it run that fast?"
not for old iPods.... :(

The new iPods and iTunes are really cool, but an better update for old iPods would be appreciated.
Finally! Rendezvous in iTunes!!!

I'm a happy man. I have been waiting for that since I saw Jobs demonstrate it ahhh last year! ;)
Does rendevous work with *only* 3 macs, even with your older MP3s or does the 3 mac rule only apply to music downloaded via Apple in AAC format?

If it is across the board 3 macs only, I will continue to use the original iCommune. I wonder if iCommune works around Apple's 3 mac rule, since you can stream from other comptuers.
Originally posted by dlloyd
Why can't I see all this stuff from my Software Update?
All I see is the iPod update (1.3), and I don't feel like putting in all my personal info on Apple's site again

Same problem here, I downloaded the iPod update via software update and downloaded iTunes 4 and QuickTime 6.2 from the webpage.
Damnit. :/
When i hit the 'Download iTunes' Button, it starts downloading iTunes 3.0.1 :s
I installed QT 6.1, and i filled in the form with a (fake ;)) email adress.
Does anyone have the direct link?
Originally posted by MacPain
hurr! forget my question from a few posts earlier, just found out that the store's going worldwide on may 9th.

Pheww! Just as well, I was getting worried!
it seems like the music store is not available for Greece (yet). lets hope it will arrive soon:)

btw . any1 realise that the new buttons in iTunes4 are finally embedded into the brushed metal ???


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Originally posted by monktus
Pheww! Just as well, I was getting worried!

after reading that article i got the info from again, i'm not so sure about it, as that particular info was removed from it.

someone on the maccentral forum meant may 9th would be the availability date for the new ipods.

there's just a lot of info floating around at the moment, so it's a bit tricky to distinguish the good from the bad. we should just wait and see.
Originally posted by NielZ
Damnit. :/
When i hit the 'Download iTunes' Button, it starts downloading iTunes 3.0.1 :s
I installed QT 6.1, and i filled in the form with a (fake ;)) email adress.
Does anyone have the direct link?

I have the same problem, iTunes 3 keeps trying to download, even though I have QT 6.2. I had the same probkem with iCal - the new version just wouldn't download until I used software update.
nope, i downloaded it with Safari. First time i also got iTunes 3, but i think i too fast... 30 seconds later iTunes 4 was downloading.
I just tried it with safari on my mac and in IE on a winXP based machine. Both are downloading 3.0.1 currently. I'll just try back later on.
Okay, just purchased the 30gig iPod... I had to go with the 30gig, that extra 15gig for $100 was too tempting.