What are the most mundane things you use your Mac for?


I know we all use our Mac's for some cool and fun stuff... but what are the things that you use your Mac for just because it's there? These are the things you don't really need a Mac (or even a computer) to do, but you just prefer doing them this way.

The things that come to mind for me are chores like paying bills...

Does doing these things on your Mac make them better?

I guess the converse to this question is what are the things that have you done with your Mac that has most changed the/your world?
The most mundane task I have done on my Mac would be, I believe, reading the comics. On the other hand, I get a lot more and more conveniently than getting the newspaper, so it is worth it :)
When I work on my sgi, I prop my feet up on the g4 tower. The nice ventilation keeps my feet quite warm. And when I work on the mac, the large sgi Challenge 8-processor mainframe keeps my toes nice and toasty. :)

So, how's that for mundane?
I use a christmast light single clip to hold a pen and then i put the clip on my work G4 tower. Then i have a pen handy at all times. I also use the g4 as a post-it note board. I stick important notes there.

I whack people I don't like over the head with my 5-pound hunk of Titanium.


Seriously, though.... the most mundane thing I use it for is getting maps through www.MapQuest.com ... Is that boring enough?
Most mindane, it's a toss-up:
- Folding@Home


- MarineAquarium screen saver (almost like I have fish, so something to do when my friends are all out of town, or :eek: studying...)

Folding@Home is like watching paint dry...

To use the heat to speed up the drying of my finger/toe nail polish when I'm in a hurry.

Originally posted by mystique
To use the heat to speed up the drying of my finger/toe nail polish when I'm in a hurry.

Does doing some serious Photoshop filters speed up the process?

So you actually open the case and put your nails close to the heat sink?

my sentiments exactly chemistry geek...but really i'd say simple math with the calculator, like addition and multiplication, oh and Folding@Home...
solitaire, especially since i have a hand held version. :cool:

plus i like to go in my computer room when it is cold - 5 degrees warmer at least. :)
i use my mac for everything :p

i read news... well i used to read newspapers. now mostly computer news... :rolleyes:

it would be easier to say what i FON'T do with my mac... now lemme think ... :rolleyes: