What do you name your macs ?

Originally posted by apb3
William Gibson...His name for the world wide (even intergalactic) network in his stories was the "Matrix"...
Is that where the Star Trek Voyager Borg "Unimatrix 7 of 9" (sp?) came from?
Venus (Mac 6100/66 with 8.5)
Pluto (My linux)
Jupiter (my W2k)

My Mac @ work is just called G3 (beige g3 233mhz 64mb ram, 20 inch)
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
No one has used Clarus or moof :eek: ???????
I guess a Dalmatian iMac owner could call its Mac "Clarus". On the other hand, a Snow iMac owner could add a few black "cow spots" to the computer and call it "Moof". :D