What goes around...

I believe that people get what they deserve, more or less. But, I don't think it's due to some cosmic karma. More, I believe that if you're a decent person and you treat people well, then they're more inclined to treat you well. if you're a prick you're going to piss people off and get treated accordingly.

Maybe a good topic for a poll.

But to answer the question I have to say I DO... I beleive in Karma and "Do un to others...".

...and I'm a very non-religious secular sort of guy, so the fact that I feel this way drives me nuts... I don't think I SHOULD feel this way. It doesn't make logical rational sense.

Not everything in life does make logical, rational sense. I believe that our intelligence is only scraping the surface of what there really is. So, to believe that you are a "secular" person, and yet to believe in something that seems to collide with that mentallity is completely logical. I personally have swaying beliefs about Karma, because it does seem to happen pretty regularly, but I am unsure that it actually exists. Maybe it ties in with other religion, in that God tries to make things fair among human relations.
I'm a relatively religious person and I didn't believe in karma most of my life. More recently (since I've been in college) I've been paying alot to the people around me and myself and what happens to us. I've come to believe in 'karma' in some form. It almost seems that they universe has a way of balancing itself out.
I believe in karma, however, I am willing to extend it accross multiple lifetimes... for instance, Bush may get away with what he's done this lifetime, and live out the rest of his days doing whatever the hell he feels like on his ranch... but the next 100,000 lifetimes, he's going to be an ant that gets stepped on accidentally.

At least, that's what I believe. I could be wrong. Who knows?
adambyte said:
… Bush may get away with what he's done this lifetime… but the next 100,000 lifetimes, he's going to be an ant that gets stepped on accidentally…

:mad: If karma really worked, then for each for those 100,000 lifetimes, Bush would be reborn with a label on his back saying "I was George W Bush in an earlier life" so that everyone could squash him on purpose! :mad:

Does that count as anti-American sentiment?

:mad: And just where does Rice get off telling Europe what it can and cannot do? Sure maybe the US is the policeman of the world, but where I come from, the police have to abide by the law. Or does the US get to change the law? In which case, the world becomes a police state - just like Iraq was. Does that mean that Europe is justified in invading the US and kicking the government out of office? :mad:

The EU may be an imperfect institution, but it's a hell of a lot more democratic than the US! ::ha::

With apologies to the American contributors to this forum. I don't dislike Americans, but I do dislike the US government and its policies – both foreign and domestic.

Bush should have beed stepped on long ago. He seems to think he can tell other countries what they can and cannot do, sending Rice to get his messages across.

As for the law, Bush buddies (Replubican) control the Government here for now, and yes, they change the laws to suit themselves, as politicians always have, but Bush seems to be worse.

Just yesterday, they passed a new law to let federal courts get invloved with a State case. (Right to die case in Florida). The politicians, I believe, are only doing this for their political gain, and to let people of this country know, THEY are in charge. This has never happened before, and there have been a lot of similiar cases.
I dislike the governments of Europe. They feel that they should tell Americans how we should live our lives, how we eat, the way we get around and the way I should see a doctor. I don't go around telling Europeans how they should live. I do feel the European governments are giving up their identities. I never thought I would see in my lifetime a French Leader dictating to German leaders how they should be.

I believe Europe is being quietly invaded. Less people forget, the high jackers of 9/11 were based out of a European city (at least that is where they did their planning).

Also, anti-Semitism is on rise in Europe! I urge my all Jewish people to leave Europe as soon as possible! I am reminded of the frog being boiled slowly in water analogy.

Now you know how I feel when the anti-Americanism (thinly veiled as Anti-Bush) is thrown into my face. :mad:
No, I don't know what it feels like, as what you say is patently untrue and ridiculous. Americans are offended because they sense the core of truth in what we say and feel humiliated by that and lash out back irrationally, like you did.
You have a right to think what you want. What I am upset at is the view that the deception that a lot of people seem to hold: There is a such thing as freedom of speech, as long as you think like me! That's the view of a lot of so called political left thinking democratic people.

Plus, if you don't feel anti-semitism is on the rise in greater Europe, then read some real news. Don't just trust the BBC.
lol. I was just using Bush as an example. I thought we were discussing karma. I didn't mean to set off more political rants.
If anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe, then it is to be condemned utterly! (Personally I haven't noticed an increase, but as I'm not Jewish I suppose that I won't unless it hits the news.) Throughout the world there have always been extremists who use race and religion to further their own political ends. These people are also to be condemned.

That is my main gripe with the current US administration – it has been hijacked by the neo-conservative religious right. George Bush (rightly) condemned the actions on 9/11 of a group of Muslim extremists, but then went on to counter it with Christian extremism, thus polarising and exasperating the situation. Why else would he appoint Wolfowitz(?) to the head of the World Bank. The man's a defence specialist! What has that got to do with business, aid and international development?

It's only when we all agree on common ground that we will be able to live in peace. That is why Europe – for all its current faults – is setting the standard: an organisation that attempts to promote the peaceful co-existence of former enemies.
I firmly believe that "what goes around comes around, twice as hard and twice as fast." Though I think it has more to do with connected social networks. If you are a do-gooder, people will talk favorably about you, your character, personality, work ethic, reward (both personally and professionally) etc... If you're an evil SOB with an agenda to use people for (political) gain, social or professional success, expect nothing less than frustration, set backs, isolatedness, distance, skepticism, and punishment from those in power above you. Believe me, word gets around about who you are and what you're like; hence, your reputation preceeds you.
ChemGeek... 'zactly! I don't believe that karma is tied to mystical forces, but rather the typical societal scuttlebutt that gets around. Well stated.