What happens to Apple when Jobs dies?

When Jobs will leave Apple in a way or another, Alexandros Roussos, one of his best friends, will take his place and will make Apple succeed. ;) ;) ;)
What? They're not currently successful? :eek: :confused:

Steve Jobs is a one-of-a-kind, a true diamond in the rough; as Pink Floyd might say, a crazy diamond. He will never be truly replaced, though others may come along and come up with something else great.
One important question is: Would 'the next person' have to steer Apple along the waves that Steve Jobs would have...? If 'the next person' would be anything like Steve Jobs, that person would have his/her own dreams and visions and would pursue them vigorously.

I'd say, a team of about five persons is needed, at least one of them being an A.I. (I'm a fan of that idea...)
AI's aren't creative yet, though. They're not really intelligent yet.

Steve Jobs' successor should have an idea of what Stevey himself would do/say, but also take ideas in new directions, like Fryke suggested. I don't know how anyone can replace Steve Jobs; more like displace, as in a boat displaces water...
What about Steven Jobs' daughter "Lisa Jobs" will take over Apple! She will want change iMac to lMac. Lisa Mac! Haha!
Baldprof: People through parties worldwide. They'll throw more when Steve Balmer dies as well.

Developers, devel—Okay, fine, I'll stop.
I think Steve Jbs would consider that an affront to everything aural. I know I do.

Tree, seriously, why do you keep posting that link? It's been in almost every single one of your last 20 posts, if not more. Are you Herve? Are you affiliated with Herve? Did you actually make that POS song?

If I see that link one more time, you're going on my ignore list. I don't want to ignore you, because sometimes you post something worth reading, but the abundance of your magicmusic links is annoying the shit out of me.
If I see that link one more time, you're going on my ignore list. I don't want to ignore you, because sometimes you post something worth reading, but the abundance of your magicmusic links is annoying the shit out of me.

This from someone more interested in having the highest post count than anything else.
I don't know why, but I like to increase my post count. But I'm not trying to compete with anybody. I usually try to be helpful instead of spamming the same annoying link over and over, even if I'm not always helpful.
If Jobs dies, many Apple employees will be able to work without being subjected to humiliating tantrums. I don't care what anyone says, being a leader/visionary does not require being an a$$.
Originally posted by elektro
Everyone ask are you Hervé? Who is this? It is not I.
Wrong place for this, besides the fact that you've asked (and been answered) numerous times already.

As for Uncle Bill, let's ready the sniper rifles and confetti... :)

Does anyone find it odd that since Elektro appeared, Tree has practically disappeared?
Originally posted by arden
I don't know why, but I like to increase my post count. But I'm not trying to compete with anybody. I usually try to be helpful instead of spamming the same annoying link over and over, even if I'm not always helpful.

thats all subjective, but you do need to calm down, it is about quality, not quantity, after all.