What is "aq8hicsg.default"?

Every time I restart my Mac Mini (this does not happen on my G5), it opens with a folder labeled:


which in turn contains a lot of files whose purpose is obviously technical. Why does this folder always appear in my restart or start procedure? It doesn't seem to interfere with anything, and I get rid of it by clicking on the red dot at the top. It's just a little annoying, and something of a mystery.

Possibly that's the result of something you have installed.
If it opens the folder at startup, you can check in your System Preferences/Accounts, and click on Login Items, to see if that same item (aq8hicsg.default) is listed there. If so, you will likely be safe by clicking on that line, and then clicking the minus (-) at the bottom of the list, which will remove it from your startup items.
Well, it worked but I have no idea what I actually did! There was no aq8hicsg.default in the login at account preferences, but I did use the (-) to eliminate almost all of what appeared to be superfluous anyway and I suppose that pesky folder was tied to one of them. Thanks again.