What is your last study ?

guapagirl said:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
wow! what a load of brainiacs!!!!!!!
I'm doing the community care act ::sleepy:: and research project on inclusion in secondary (high for you yanks) school, which is ok. for fun I'm reading Grease the play (for part time job in school) and the label on my anadin box :D
love xxxxxxx

ps harumi murakami...read wild sheep chase yet? i love it

hey guapagirl, :D
Yes, have read Wild sheep chase, in fact, think i've read all his books that are out in english (waiting for kafka on the shore). Even managed to get the two prequels to wild sheep chase: Hear the wind sing (bought over ebay) and pinball 1973 (have as text file), though it took me many months. Was lucky enough to see the man speak last year in london as well. and he was amazing. Very humble and very funny. He read one of his short stories in japanese, and though i couldn't understand it, the rhythm of his words was very familiar and comforting.
Think my favorite of his books is probably Underground, the non-fiction one about the tokyo gas attack. Its an amazingly emotional book, and really tries to find out why those Aum folk did what they did. Have some personal experience of such dodgy, cultish yoga/philosophy groups, and I thought he really got to the heart of the issue.

A note for others - If you haven't already, try reading some Haruki Murakami, it's awesome. With all you mac folks, the best one to start with is probably Hard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World- is Chandler meets William Gibson with Raymond Craver's amazing insight into the mundane.

Happy studying, happier reading

Cat said:
chemistry_geek: also try "Mind and World" by McDowell and "Matter and Consciousness" by Churchland.
Dennett is a very good author, i really enjoyed most of his articles and books.
In the next semester I'll be doing preliminary research on (the ultimate unfeasibility of) reductionism in philosophy of mind, so I'll be digging into Dennett, Churchland etc.


Thank you for the suggested reading. I've been searching Amazon.com for some other books on the topic of consciousness. I suppose "Consciousness" is my new topic to understand in depth. Dennett was suggested as good reading by someone on Slashdot. Ever since I got the books they've been difficult to put down. A few movies have sort of touched on the subject: Stanley Kubrick's "Artificial Intelligence", and I thought it was interesting how David Bowman's life progressed when he was absorbed into the Monolithe in "2001: A Space Odyssey". Star Trek: The Next Generation's Data, a sentient robot also is interesting.

Best regards,