1992: Mac LC II - 40MB HD, 4MB RAM, Apple Scanner, Deskwriter, System 7.0.1 to 7.5.3
1995: Performa 640 Dos Compatible - 500 MB HD, 12MB RAM (8 Mac 4 Dos) (Upgraded to 16 on each side), Apple Scanner, Deskwriter, 14.4kps Fax/Modem (Upgraded to 56K), Apple Design Speakers, System 7.5.1 to Mac OS 8.0, Windows 3.1 to Windows 95
2000: iMac DV SE (400Mhz Slot Loading) - 12GB HD, 128MB RAM (Upgraded to 384MB), DVD/CD, DeskJet 832c, HP PhotoSmart C200 Camera, Microtech MediaCard Reader, Airport in 2003, Mac OS 9.0 to 10.2.6 - replaced Logic Board in Feb 03 and Mar 03 and died June 03

2003: iMac 17" 1Ghz - 80GB HD, 784MB Ram, SuperDrive, Palm M130, NetGear MR814 Wireless Router, JBL Creature Speakers (White), Mac OS 10.2.4 to 10.2.6
When I went to college in 99, I got myself a PowerBook G3 (Bronze Keyboard 333Mhz) - 4.5GB HD, 128MB RAM (Upgrdaed to 320MB), CD Drive, Epson 740i, Imation SuperDisk (LS120 Drive), USB Zip Drive, Que! CR-RW 4x2x8, Umax Astra 1220 Scanner (Selling Currently), FireWire2Go Card (Selling Currently), 45GB External FireWire HD, iPod 20 GB, FireWire CardBus, Orinoco Silver Wireless PC Card, Canon Lide30 USB Scanner, Mac OS 8.6 to 10.2.6