What kinds of computers have you owned?

Find me someone who actually uses the term "computer" to describe "any device that is used to perform computing operations"...
Wow. I thought my list would be among the longest. I guess not:

-Timex-Sinclair 1000 with 1k RAM (not typo!), overheated and bits started turning off on the display, we used a little fan to cool it

-Texas Instruments TI 99-4/A (no nickname) (learned BASIC--slooooow, slooow TI BASIC.), quirky little thing

-Atari 130XE computer (dubbed "Atariey"), very nice graphics for the time, fun, not much support

-Amiga (dubbed "Amigaey") 500 WOW! This was one amazing computer. If you never owned an Amiga, you wouldn't exactly understand. The graphics were 5 or 6 years ahead of their time. For computers, that's an eternity.

-Dull 100 mHz Pentium (dubbed "Dull 120 mHz) soon after overclocked to 120 mHz - wow, Windows 3.1 and I think later 95

Homemade FrankenPC AMD K6-2 300 mHz

Compaq Presario (dubbed "Piece of CR*P") with Windows ME - I still get angry thinking about it. It was better after I upgraded to Win XP.

iBook (dubbed "iBookie") - icebook 500, saved me from Microsoft, amazing, a bit pokey in OS X

iMac (dubbed "iMac") flat panel, 17" widescreen, 800 mHz (boo! Motorola), most amazing machine, feels very fast in OS X, desk lamp design amazes me whenever I look around behind the monitor. What can I say? It's a Mac.


P.S. Just kidding about the names. . . :->
Spectrum ZX81
Amiga 500
Atari ST
Amd 386
Amd 486
Intel P1
Intel P3
Amd K6-2
Apple PowerMac G4
Apple PowerBook G4

Currently, I use the TiBook and from time to time the K6-2... Soon, to release the true power of Force by going for Dual G5/2GHz! :p :D

1992: Mac LC II - 40MB HD, 4MB RAM, Apple Scanner, Deskwriter, System 7.0.1 to 7.5.3

1995: Performa 640 Dos Compatible - 500 MB HD, 12MB RAM (8 Mac 4 Dos) (Upgraded to 16 on each side), Apple Scanner, Deskwriter, 14.4kps Fax/Modem (Upgraded to 56K), Apple Design Speakers, System 7.5.1 to Mac OS 8.0, Windows 3.1 to Windows 95

2000: iMac DV SE (400Mhz Slot Loading) - 12GB HD, 128MB RAM (Upgraded to 384MB), DVD/CD, DeskJet 832c, HP PhotoSmart C200 Camera, Microtech MediaCard Reader, Airport in 2003, Mac OS 9.0 to 10.2.6 - replaced Logic Board in Feb 03 and Mar 03 and died June 03 :( again

2003: iMac 17" 1Ghz - 80GB HD, 784MB Ram, SuperDrive, Palm M130, NetGear MR814 Wireless Router, JBL Creature Speakers (White), Mac OS 10.2.4 to 10.2.6

When I went to college in 99, I got myself a PowerBook G3 (Bronze Keyboard 333Mhz) - 4.5GB HD, 128MB RAM (Upgrdaed to 320MB), CD Drive, Epson 740i, Imation SuperDisk (LS120 Drive), USB Zip Drive, Que! CR-RW 4x2x8, Umax Astra 1220 Scanner (Selling Currently), FireWire2Go Card (Selling Currently), 45GB External FireWire HD, iPod 20 GB, FireWire CardBus, Orinoco Silver Wireless PC Card, Canon Lide30 USB Scanner, Mac OS 8.6 to 10.2.6
Mac Side

PowerBook 140
Macintosh Quadra 605
PowerMac 7200/75
PowerMac 8500/120
PowerMac 8600/200
PowerBook 2400
PowerMac 8600/300
PowerBook G4/500
PowerMac G3/233
PowerMac 7500/100
PowerMac G3/233
PowerMac 7300/200
PowerMac 8600/250
PowerMac 9500/132
PowerMac 9600/200
PowerBook G4/1G

PC Side

Toshiba Portege 486 laptop
Compaq Persario 1030 (P133 laptop)
IBM ThinkPad 560
IBM ThinkPad 560X
IBM ThinkPad 560Z
IBM ThinkPad X24

Self-built desktops

Intel Pentium II 450
Intel Pentium III 1G x 2
AMD Athlon
AMD Athlon
AMD Athlon
AMD Duron 600MHz
AMD Duron 600MHz

Now wonder I have no money left to do anything else!

Acorn BBC B (1982)
Sinclair Z88 laptop - sort of ;) (1984)
Laser PC XT (1984)
Vobis PC 386 (1988)
Acorn StrongARM RiscPC (1993, still in use!) :cool:
self build Intel peecees under Linux
iBook 600MHz G3 (2001)
Apple dual G5 :D

A speccy 128K (+2) ;) Anyone remember Operation Wolf?
486 AST machine (really loved that thing, never broke down)
Dell PIII 500 Mhz: a good machine, used as a linux box now but only let me down once or twice in over 3 1/2 years when running windows.
Powerbook G4 550 Mhz: still my pride and joy despite scratches and getting on now.
Powermac G4 dual 867: upgraded to 1.25 GB Ram recently and it flies now. A great computer.
Atari 800
Amiga 500
Amiga 3000
Mac Classic II
Mac Powerbook 140
Mac Quadra 660 AV (the best baby!)
Newton 120
A few Toshiba laptops
Mac G4 450
Mac G4 1GHz DP

Scores of PCs for work, but I didn't own those - thank god.
Let's see, in order... Hmmm...

Vic 20
Commodore 64
10Mhz IBM XT
12Mhz IBM XT
20Mhz IBM AT (286)
Intel 386 25Mhz
Intel 386 20Mhz
AMD 386 40Mhz
AMD 486 40Mhz
Intel 486/DX2 66Mhz
Pentium 166Mhz
Apple III (Bought at a yard sale)
Commodore 128 (Love it! Also yard sale)
AMD K6/2 350Mhz
AMD K6/2 450Mhz
PowerMac 7300 (First installed OS/X!)
AMD Athlon 750Mhz (Yes, also a clone upgrade)
AMD Duron 600Mhz
G4 Digital Audio 533Mhz
AMD Athlon XP 1800+
AMD Duron 1.2Ghz
Powermac G3 B&W 450Mhz (which I just sold off today for the same price I paid for it a year ago =)
Compaq Armada PII-450Mhz laptop (bought from work for $20 for my girlfriend)
PowerMac G4 1.25Ghz
PowerMac G5 2x2.0Ghz (should be ordered by work Monday!!)

Just to be clear, I usually have at least two systems at all times, once as many as 5 (I was trying to build a multi-room media system, plus tinkering around with Macs). Many of these have just involved $50-$100 processor upgrades, but man, do I churn through the hardware =)
since my last post

PowerMac G3 266 Tower, 128MB RAM, 6GB hard drive, OS 9.2.1
The ethernet doesn't appear to work, or I've lost the ability to network 2 computers

eMate 300
= cool
The eMate is certainly a nice machine... I don't actually use it any longer, but every half year or so, I bring it back up, charge the battery (still working for chrissakes! what did they DO!) ;-) and write a short story on that thing. Reminds me of the days when this was my typewriter on the go. Well: Now the iBook has taken that place very well. (Although I still miss the eMate's battery life of, say, 12 hours?)
Macintosh LC 575: 5MB RAM, System 7.1 installed, 160MB hard disk, CD-ROM drive (WOW!). This computer was the ultimate beast in its time. Frequently ran out of hard disk space and has an extremely loud hard disk but an awesome computer. Still runs to this day just fine.

Macintosh Classic II: Bought this without a keyboard and mouse from school for $50. A computer I used when I went to my grandma's house to play Wheel of Fortune, Sim City and other small games with my sister when I was small.

Packard Bell Legend Something-or-other: My first step into the PC world. Macs were dead around 1999 in terms of games and stuff (what's new) so I decided to switch and see what was going on. This computer kicked off web page making and graphical stuff in Photoshop. Also opened my eyes to why they say Windows is so crap.

iMac G4 Flat Panel 15": My most recent computer, and absolute gem. Unless it was my fault October 14th I would have owned it for a year without a single crash (any crashes was because of me doing stupid things). Powerful, helped me further develop my graphics skills as well as kick started my interest in video editing. Switched back, and with Mac OS X I can say I'm so happy I won't touch another new PC in my life. Now lets just wait for Apple to get their act together with games...
Since I had one that no-one has mentioned.

Trash 80 from Tandy
Commodore Plus 4
Commodore 128 (free replacement after the plus 4 died - you gotta love Sears and Roebuck!)
Hyundai 20 mhz AT
Toshiba something or other laptop with no hd! (Ran Peachtree on a floppy!)
Apple ][ e
LC III with a Radius Page White monitor (the one that rotated)
Powerbook 145
Powerbook 175 (upgrade)
6500 225 mhz
Power Computing 225 Tower
Powerbook 1400 CS 117 (bought it two weeks before they discontinued them...:(
Graphite iMac DVD 400 (ok, it was a work computer, but they bought it for me)
Tangerine Clamshell 300

Present iBook 700 - and I love it!

There were a few other wintel boxes in there but they are totally forgetable. I have to deal with them at work. Miserable K6 500 with 64megs and the school insists on running XP. :(
Originally posted by fryke
(Although I still miss the eMate's battery life of, say, 12 hours?)
I got 18 hours from the first charge, with some to spare but I haven't used it that much (only had it 6 days).
- a ZX81 and a C64 on a b/w TV...

- A Hungarian computer called HT (knew as much as the Sinclair ZX81, but was at least 10 times bigger, with an internal tape recorder). It was in the school, but I have used it a lot (to learn BASIC), it was like my own

- a 386 with my first modem

- "other computers" 3 or 4, from win 3.1 to winME

- A Performa, just for a month

- And an iMac 500 Snow (2001 Summer). I just love this one...
Originally posted by Veljo
Now lets just wait for Apple to get their act together with games...
Apple's act is together, it's the game developers who need to get off their asses and start recognizing the Mac platform as something more than not worth their time.