What kinds of computers have you owned?

Oh what a big list this would be... I'll shorten the list a bit. Here goes:


o Adam (from Toys R' Us)

o Commadore 64 w/1200 baud modem, 5.25" floppy, dot matrix printer, tape drive, 13" TV as monitor.

o 286 with something like 8M RAM, Win 3.1

o 486 DX4/100 w/16M RAM (I think), Win 3.11

o Pentium 60 (overclocked to 66MHz), Win 3.11

o Pentium 120 w/32M RAM, Win95

o Cyrix 200 (150MHz) w/64M RAM, Win95

o AMD 233MHz, Win95

o Pentium II 350 w/256M RAM, Win98 (I think)

o Pentium II 400 w/256M RAM (I've owned at least 8 of these over time), WinNT 4.0

o Pentium III 500 w/256M RAM, WinNT 4.0

o Pentium III 700 (oc to 867MHz) w/384M RAM, Win2k Pro & RedHat

o Pentium 4 1.8GHz w/1G RAM, Radeon 8500 w/64M RAM, Quantum Atlas 10KIII 10,000RPM SCSI, FreeBSD 4.x (4.6-STABLE last I believe) & Win2k Pro

o Dell Inspiron 8200 w/1.7GHz P4-m, 640M RAM, 40GB IDE, GeForce4 440 Go 32M, 802.11b, FreeBSD 4.x (4.8R last) & Gentoo Linux (just testing)


o Celeron 1.7GHz, 512M RAM, 40G IDE, WinXP Pro & FreeBSD 4.8-R

o PowerBook 12" w/640M RAM, 40G IDE, 802.11g (AirPort Extreme), OS X 10.2.6

My primary machine is my PowerBook. My girlie uses the Celeron 1.7 mostly. My work machine is a Dell which should be replaced soon. I'm hoping I'll get a Mac to replace it. It's a P3 450 w/384M RAM, but it does have a 19" CRT.

- G!mpy
a spectravideo 738 ?? ( i think that was the number) ...
then ran with school and universtiy computers, both macs and pcs .. didn't like either a lot.
had to get a desk with a p1 166 with win 95. yuck.
sold that to get flight tickets..
bought a p2 366 laptop (acer 512t), needed it and mobility. forced to a win98 on it...
upgraded as much ram as i could, then tried all the linuxes with it ... RH, mandrake etc etc etc.
got a mac, uh well fell in love with os x .. so ibook and will eventually get a 970 desk..
then sold the p2 laptop as needed money again to flight ticket...
will not sell ibook, if need money i'll put my kidneys to ebay first... ;)
It all began with a 486 SX2, running DOS, then Win3.11 then Win95. It had no CD drive ...
Then came the PII@333 MHz with Win98 which morphed through various upgrades (cycled some video cards, added a CD-RW drive, added a second HD, added RAM etc.). I still use it for gaming (Win98) and I'm running RedHat in dual-boot.
After that I bought an iBook Graphite SE, 366 MHz, which I now passed on to my GF.

As of now I am the proud owner of a 12" Aluminium PowerBook! :)

In between I've owned and fooled around with a lot of macs and pc's, connecting, recycling, networking and destroying them: several 386/486 and a pentium, a MacClassic, an LCII with an A4 screen, and a very very old portable (Amiga 640 IIRC) with 2 floppy drives and no HD, a monochrome screen and full-sized keyboard.
Hmm...lemme think here for a sec...

Apple ][ - named "Toaster" ...came about when a friend said it was about as useful at doing stuff as a toaster. :D

Apple //e - named "Blender" ...just continuing on the appliance name, I guess.

Radioshack something-or-other. Had a tape drive, used the TV as a monitor. Only ran DOS. Can't remember what the thing was called. T-something, I think. Some numbers. I'm terrible at remembering numbers :D

Packard Bell something or other...ran Windows 3.1

Performa 470-something (or maybe it was 460-something...or 640-something? Like I said, bad with numbers!)

Powerbook 190cs Named "DreamFinder" (man, I had pains with this thing...it had some sort of bug that showed up in ResEdit...you couldn't edit icons in ResEdit! And I did that quite often. Had to work around it with copy & paste. Heh)

Powerbook G3 Series (Wallstreet) - Named "DarkHeaven"

Computer I put together myself...rebuilt it quite a few times as well. PC of course, but I ran Linux on it. Named "The Beast"

My current one:
G4/450 (Sawtooth) Named "Dreamstatic"

Not a computer...but ya couldn't use one without it - my monitor. I have the monster of all monitors - 21" Studio Display (thing weighs 77 pounds - and for some reason, I always seem to be getting apartments on the 3rd floor. So much fun moving :p). I have named it "Burden" :D (probably the only one here who's named a monitor. Heh)
Wow, I thought this thread was dead! :eek: Might as well move it to the right forum and add in my new current computer...

Flat-panel iMac 15" (Named "Aspros") - My new current computer. This one is OS X only. It currently has 256 megs of RAM, however I may upgrade it to 768 soon. 60 GB of space... Nice and roomy for video editing. :) I still have my Graphire for this but I lost the stylus. USB mic is still around too, but the internal mic is just as good/better than it. :D 800 MHz, with a 32x read/write Combo drive.

I love this thing. :p
Tandy TRS80
Commodore 64
Apple IIe
original Macintosh
Mac SE
Mac IIfx
PowerMac 7400/66
PowerBook 740
G4 450
HP 733 (P3, I think, don't really care though)
iMac 600 (losing it soon)
Currently -

B&W w/OWC 550 G3 installed with OSX and OS9
Performa 6400 - OS8.5
PPC 5400 - BeOS Pro and MacOS8.5
Dell Laptop inspiron 4000 - XP
Compaq Ipaq Desktop Piii 866 w/XP installed
Compaq Deskpro EN w/W2K installed ( WEB AND ftp SERVER contralled through VNC)
Performa 550 - a wonderful 68030 processor :rolleyes: , 160 MB hard drive, 4 MB RAM, and at least it had a CD ROM drive!! :D I donated this computer a while ago.

Powermac 6500/275 - computer still works great after 4/5 years, although it is now impossible for it to upgrade to OS X (max RAM on this comp is 96). Since I heard somewhere that Apple in the future will no longer make OS 9 a bootable system, I will keep this comp. I don't know the truth behind that though.

Custom G4 (see signature) - my current computer....I love it. Have had it for two years. I probably will hold on to this until it's completely obsolete. I plan on upgrading my VRAM so I can play games like Wolfenstein and Medal of Honor with nice graphics. :D

Timex Sinclair 1000 (Sinclair ZX81 Clone): 2K RAM, expanded to 18K w/ 16K RAM Pack. (still works)

Timex Sinclair 2068 (Sinclair ZX Spectrum Clone): 64K RAM. (still works)

Apple IIgs (still works)

Apple PowerBook 520c (still works)

Apple PowerMac G3 (Blue & White), has G4 logic board, replacement 500MHz IBM G3. (still works)

Future Macintosh: Desktop w/ Dual PPC 970.
lessee here....

an Apple IIc...the memories.

jump ahead a decade and a half or so...

my first iMac in 98'...or was it 99'....a lime 333....it died in two weeks! even Apples makes lemons, sad to say.

free replacement, a bondi blue 333.....still works like a charm to this day (though X is rather slow on it) gave that to my parents when i moved out.

in 00' i got my current iMac, which is an indigo 400 DV. so i'm still using it, three years isn't so long, it's a real workhorse.
Ah...a Tandy T-something. Not Radioshack. I get those mixed up in my head sometimes (Tandy is Radioshack :p).

Thanks for the helpful reminder. :)
I can remember a Commodore 64 in my past as well as a Tandy 1000. Didn't do much on them other than play games.

I've owned probably over two dozen various speed x86-based computers, ones that have made an imprint in my mind: 386sx16mhz (Magnavox.. "Smart, Very Smart"), 486sx33, 486dx4 100mhz, 586 150+ mhz (Cyrix :P), I-Opener 266mhz Winchip (still have it in my closet :P), AMD Athlons, Intel Pentiums from 1->4. Currently own a Pentium 4 2.4ghz. As well as a mobile Athlon 4 1.2ghz laptop.

As far as PPC hardware goes, my first Apple computer was an iMac 400mhz slotloading DVD. It was my first non-x86 hardware that I got Linux to install on. I then received a Powerbook 400mhz, but the CPU was bad and I replaced it with a 500mhz. The 14.1" screen was just too big for me and I needed a smaller iBook, so I got someone who wanted to trade an iBook (see sig) for it.

I've also owned other architectures, an ARM-based iPaq which I also installed Linux on before having to restore PocketPC when I sold it. =) I have a Sun Sparc LX sitting in my closet collecting dust, as well as a VAXstation under my desk doing the same.
I was a little late to the game. i started using computers in the fall of 1995.

First was a tandy w/ unknown specs.

comaq w/ 486 14.400 modem

pakard bell
120 mhz
32mb ram
16gb hd
cable net

and from there i built custom machines

amd-k6-2 500mhz
128 mb ram
16gb hd
cable net
ati rage pro

athlon xp 1700+
256 mb ram
16gb hd
900mb physical "swap drive"
64mb raedon card
cable net access

all of the have some version of m$ windoze.
yes the 16gb drive is the same drive i don't need to much more but i'l think i'll toss a WD 40gb 10,000 rpm drive just for kicks.


ibook 900
256 mb
40gb hd
combo drive

one of those ppc 970 things
one 30gb ipod

oddly enough the first computer i even used was a mac. and then my schools rid of them. they have some old one around here i'll probably pick one up real chip and use that in the mean time.
These specs are all "prior" upgrading.

- Commodore 64/128
- 486/66 DX2 / 4 MBs RAM / 512 MB HD 2.4 bps modem
- Pentium 233 MMX / 32 MB RAM / 6 GB HD
- AMD 750 MHZ / 128 MB RAM / 20 GB HD
- Powerbook G3 / 128 MB RAM / 6 GB HD
- Pentium 4 1.4 GHZ / 256 DDR RAM / 40 GB HD

The only machine I use is the PB G3. The Pentium 4 is sitting next to me, uncabled up, just taking up space.
The AMD is a computer I gave my parents. I'm thinking of tossing them the P4 since the AMD's HD just crashed. Sad thing, the P4's is showing (actually making) signs that it's ready to crash.
We have only ever owned Apples in this family:

- Apple II or something similar
- Macintosh IIsi
- Powerbook 190
- Power Mac G3/233
- iBook 300, iBook 600
- iMac DV+ 400 (mine! all mine!)
- Powermac 7300/200 upgraded to G3 400

Plus other misc. 680X0 computers, like my sister's LC.
* DEC something, with 64K of ram and CPM operating system
* Amiga 1000
* Many NeXT Slabs
* NeXT Cube
* Many PC's from 486's to P-4's, both laptop and desktop
* G-3 Pismo
* Dual PowerMac G-4
I hope this is historically the correct order...

My first computer was an Atari 1040 STf with a Spectre GCR Macintosh emulator (as fast as a Mac Plus, but with a 640*400 screen). It had 1 MB of RAM and a 720K 3.5" floppy drive.

My second computer was an Amiga 2000 with Chameleon, an Atari ST emulator. Strange, eh?

Then came my second Atari 1040 STf. With an external 40 MB harddrive. (Yep, MB.) It had 2 MB of RAM. Which I didn't really need.

My fourth computer was an IBM PS/1 desktop computer.

My fifth was a Microspot grayscale notebook with Windows 3.11.

My sixth was my first real own Macintosh. A PowerBook 150. I still miss it sometimes.

I'll make the list shorter after that...

PowerBook 180c
PowerBook 520c
Newton MessagePad 120
Performa 630 (with PowerPC card)
PowerBook 190
Newton MessagePad 130
PowerBook 5300ce
PowerMacintosh 8200/120
AMD K6/200 (with Apple Rhapsody DR2!)
eMate 300
Fujitsu PII/350
iBook (Rev. B) Blueberry 300
PowerBook G4/500 (Rev. A)
iBook 800 12"
Athlon XP 2200+
- Atari - somthing or other
- IBM PS/2
- A 286 computer
- A 386 computer
- Packard Bell 66 mhz
- Packard Hell 233 Mhz (this machine was total crap)
- Gateway Essential Tower P3 450 Mhz
- Compaq Persario Notebook Celeron 800 Mhz
- Dell Optiplex 233 Mhz
- Dell Optiplex 400 Mhz
- Dell Poweredge Dual P3 800 Mhz
- Apple Powerbook G4 800 Mhz

And that's all folk....for now
In my sig you can only see the Macs I still own... the complete list was:

Philips MSX [Ms BASIC]
Mac Plus [System 5]
Mac SE [System 6]
Mac LC III [System 7.1]
Mac LC III+ [System 7.1]
Olivetti P120 laptop (aka Schifezzolo) [BeOS 5.1]
PowerMac G3 333 [Mac OS 8.5 to OS 9.x]
iBook 500 (aka Mandriot) [OS 9.x/OS X 10.0]
iBook 600 (aka Mandriot2) [OS X 10.1/OS 9]
iBook 800 (aka Mandriot3) [OS X 10.2/OS 9]
The subject is pretty open-ended. By "computer" I am assuming he means persoanl computer, or PC. Looking at it from a literal-minded standpoint, "computer" is any device that is used to perform computing operations (arithmetic and logical).

In that case this is what I have owned:

c. 1981: Atari2600 I think my mother spent about $400 on this game console. New games went for about $60, each. At least for me, this game brought our family together, as we (mom, dad, and me) would stay up late playing Asteroids. I remember hitting a high-score of 2,000,000+

c. 1983: Colecovision game console Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong Jr were my favorits.
c. 1984 Atari5200 This game didn't get much play-time. Space invaders was my favorite. This game didn't last very long, as the Adam Computer kinda ruled the day when I got it.

c.1986-1997: several TI calculators I've had one scientific calculator, the TI-85, then when I lost that, a simple calculator that I have subsequently lost. I prefereed TI over HP because RPN was more RP than N for me.

c. 1985: Adam Computer (add-on to Colecovision console) - Ran Buckrogers game to death. Other than that used this computer to run BASIC programs (mostly manipulating the pixels on the TV display) and priting "homework" like when I had to write sentences for talking during my math class. I acutally used this to type out the sentences. I got away with it!

July, 1995: Packard Bell PC. 75MHz Pentium, 8MB RAM, CD-ROM, 1.2GB HD, and 2MB VRAM. 14.4kbps modem, 16MB video-card, PS/2 mouse, keyboard, 15" monitor, and built-in sound card and speakers. I used this bad boy from 1995 to 1999. This ran Windows 3.1 when I bought it. But I got a free upgrade to Windows95, which I didn't install until a month after I got it 'cause of FUD.

Jan, 1999: Home-built PC: 350MHz Pent II, 128MB RAM, CD-ROM, 8GB HD, Ethernet, modem, sound running SUSE Linux. I've upgraded the OS from SUSE Linux 5.3 to 7.1 over the past four years. This bad-boy is still running today.

Sept, 2001: Home-built PC2: 1.2GHz Celeron, 256MB Ram, 40GB HD, modem, ethernet, Radeon All-in-wonder video card, PC, DVD/CDRW drive running windows XP. Was pissed when all my hardware didn't work right off the bat, especially seeing I spent $299.00 on the OS and only $1000.000 on the HW (including the 17" monitor). After a few updates, that all in the past now, but not being able to play DVD's using WMP and using the modem (PCI modem) was a real bummer for a while. This along with the fact that IE still crashes alot, and the computer sometimes becomes dog-sh[*]t-slow for no reason started me on the path to Apple computer in early 2002.

Feb, 2003: Powerbook 15" 1GHz. I had been thinking about buying a powerbook or ibook for almost a year, but the steep price of the xbooks during 2002 really put me off. That along with other financial stuff I did caused me to wait. I'm glad I did. The upgrades over the last year and the final recognition that PC's are technologically inferior (Centrino is basically getting you the same power/performance that ibooks and powerbooks have been doing for years, and still no freaking gigabit ethernet) made the price difference understandable. That along with much research into the xbook's capabilities, software availablities, upgrades, and price reductions (along with the MS Office X special offer) led me to make the move over to Apple. So far I've been very happy, and actually think the $$$ I spent on this computer was actually worth it.