What should I do with a spare G3 iBook?


I'm awesome...seriously..
We just got my wife a mac mini. Now we have a fully functional G3 iBook.

Any ideas what we could do with it?
you'll easily get £400 for it. or let me try to get it to mate with my similar ibook, in the hope that they give birth to a macbook.
hehe... why not keep it as a machine to fall back on, should something go wrong with one of the other ones... also, an iBook certainly gives you more mobility. Can use it outside, in a café etc. ...?
I can relate... my wife and I recently bought a MacBook (which is sweet). I am keeping the iBook for my commute by train and also as a backup device - I use Chronosync for the address book and ical settings and sync O tunes for iTunes backups. So far so good.
eBay is so yesterday. :)

craigslist, especially if you live in a large area (Denver definitely applies).
No ebay fees, no paypal fees, cash in your hand!

I first tried it about two months ago, and am literally blown away at how effective it is in Salt Lake. Especially good for super large and heavy stuff that you don't want to mail.

I'm not really interested in selling it. We want to keep it around to atleast watch movies on trips and what not.