What Spec????????


Daniel Tilly
I'm buying a G5 soon and I will be using it for alot of video editing. What things should i get on it. I'm going for the 2Ghz one with a 250GB HD. How much more RAM should i get put in it and is it worth me getting a uprated graphics card. I'm getting the 23" monitor which is HDefinition. Anyone with some useful imput or things I'm missimg out i would love to know. Cheers
If you use that machine for a LOT of video editing, you may find that an additional 250GB drive would help for storing all your clips and sounds and what-not.

I would suggest, at a minimum, 1GB of RAM for what you want to do. If you can afford to go higher than that, then by all means do so, as more RAM will help with rendering and overall performance.

If you've been working with Final Cut Pro for a while and know your way around the keyboard commands pretty good, you may be interested in the Contour Shuttle Pro input thing (http://www.contourdesign.com/shuttlepro/). It's great for scrubbing through clips and general FCP use. The website doesn't list G5 compatibility, but then again, they don't say that it won't work with the G5 -- I don't see why it wouldn't, but you may want to give them a call just to be sure.

The graphics card that comes installed with the G5 is great, but the upgrade to the 9800 is even better. For an extra $300, that decision would lie with you and how much you'd like to spend on that.

I hope that helps a little!
I've got £5000 to spend and I could go for the 2Ghz, 2GB SRAM, 250GB HD, 9800 Graphics Card and the 23" Monitor. I want to take the editing to the next level and want a machine that will serve me for atleast 3 years. I think the monitor is important as you have more area to work on, but then HD Space is as well. The decision is harder than earning the money. I'm no expert but a machine of that spec should be able to cope with some serious editing. I'll be looking to get the Canon XL1s as soon as budget allows so i think the spec i'm going for will make it a superb all round package. Your views pls?????
Just remember, RAM and HDDs etc are ALWAYS cheaper (except when apple have deals) aftermarket.