What the...?! Cupertino Sharing?!!?


Wishful Drinking
Just opened my sharing pref panel under 10.2.1 and where it normally says the name of the thing selected with the on/off button and a description, it said "Cupertino Sharing On" and in the description bit said something along the lines of "stuff for you, and me, and timmy". What on earth is going on? Have I half discovered an easter egg or is something more sinister afoot? Never thought to snapshot it and can't figure out how I got it up. Anyone seen this?

...and who's Timmy?!

its a known thingy, believed to be an easter egg I think. Someone posted a screenshot a couple of weeks ago, do a search and you will find it.
I think we should ask Apple. It does seem a little bit suspicious, and I think it would be good to have a definitive answer. There are a couple of screen-grabs of it on spy-mac, and it has been seen around. Some speculate that it as something to do with the NSA info gathering, while others suggest it is just a bit of left-over testing code that has no meaning at all.
There was already a thread about this exact thing. Don't post duplicate topics! Anyway, it's just was some filler text used to preview the appearance of the text box in the design environment.

If you have the Developer Tools installed, go to /System/Library/PreferencePanes/SharingPref.prefPane. Right click on the package and choose "Show Package Contents." Navigate to Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ and open SharingPref.nib in Interface Builder. You'll see that it's just some filler text that the designers put in there for fun.

Since there's no relevant information to put there when they're just in the design environment, the developers put some random text into the field to see how the text field looks. Probably when you opened sharing, you experienced a lag of a few minutes. The sharing pane lagged out, and no information was available to replace that random text they put in the box.

Now you know :)

BTW: Someone said that it's a quote from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
[Off Topic (sorta)]

Haha! That is the best book!
I just finished reading "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!" and now I'm on "The Resturant at the end of the Galaxy!" So far it's really awsome!

Anybody know where I can get info on these books? Like a website? I downloaded them for my Palm and have never seen/heard anything about them until just now! :)

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Originally posted by Trip
[Off Topic (sorta)]

Haha! That is the best book!
I just finished reading "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!" and now I'm on "The Resturant at the end of the Galaxy!" So far it's really awsome!

Anybody know where I can get info on these books? Like a website? I downloaded them for my Palm and have never seen/heard anything about them until just now! :)

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Never seen anything?! They had a TV series (on PBS I think...) a few years back... My old physics professor loved those books, personally I prefer Red Dwarf (totally not the same thing but you know)...
Originally posted by Trip
[Off Topic (sorta)]

Haha! That is the best book!
I just finished reading "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!" and now I'm on "The Resturant at the end of the Galaxy!" So far it's really awsome!

Anybody know where I can get info on these books? Like a website? I downloaded them for my Palm and have never seen/heard anything about them until just now! :)

[/Off Topic (sorta)]

Damn, man, these books are classics. Then again you're young, so it's ok. :) Read all five, though the 4th and 5th aren't as good. Still Douglas Adams, though. Anyway, try http://www.douglasadams.com/ .
