Well I HAVE A PROBLEM SINCE I JUST BOUGHT 10.3 ABOUT 4 MONTHS AGO!!!!!! Apple better rethink this one, why in the hell wou;ld i choose to buy it again, NO! It's a new OS, SO WHAT, THEIR SHOULD BE AN UPGRADE FEE!!! I FIGURED I'D GIVE X A TRY, WHAT THEY DO, BURN YOU, BURN DIFFERENT should be the next slogan.
Sure there are some nice things, but come on, iChat, looks like iCrap, that interface is the worst. I see if they lose the Quicktime border and have it on the desktop as is, that would be hot. I think I'll stick with AIM, I don't need that iClutter on my desktop.
Mail still can not compare to Entourage X, simply the best email app for X.
Although I am pissed, Apple is well aware we won't jump ship to Windoze, thats why they do what they do. I really like does new widescreen iMacs, I might get me one.
Da SORY is pissed, very pissed.