what the...

yea, whats the deal, between the public release, and the initial version, I have already spent over 150 on 10.1. now they want us to drop another 130?????
Well I HAVE A PROBLEM SINCE I JUST BOUGHT 10.3 ABOUT 4 MONTHS AGO!!!!!! Apple better rethink this one, why in the hell wou;ld i choose to buy it again, NO! It's a new OS, SO WHAT, THEIR SHOULD BE AN UPGRADE FEE!!! I FIGURED I'D GIVE X A TRY, WHAT THEY DO, BURN YOU, BURN DIFFERENT should be the next slogan.

Sure there are some nice things, but come on, iChat, looks like iCrap, that interface is the worst. I see if they lose the Quicktime border and have it on the desktop as is, that would be hot. I think I'll stick with AIM, I don't need that iClutter on my desktop.

Mail still can not compare to Entourage X, simply the best email app for X.

Although I am pissed, Apple is well aware we won't jump ship to Windoze, thats why they do what they do. I really like does new widescreen iMacs, I might get me one.

Da SORY is pissed, very pissed.
if all the stuff that comes with jaguar sucks, then you don't have to worry about buying it. you're happy with X, right? ^_^
I want a faster X, and you know there will be apps that run only or better for 10.2. Thats a given. I can't say I'm too happy, QPS has yet to get a driver for X so i can burn CDs, I still have to boot to 9 for that. I HATE QPS right now, so that takes a little off Apple.

Sory hears a plea..."Simma Down Now"
Urbansory, I agree about Entourage, that's the email client I use. However Mail is following with the featured knock-offs.

In fact that entire iCal minus the online sharing can be done in Euntorage. I have my entire calendar at work in that program.

It works great as is...

But I'll still get Jag... ;)

10.1 WAS NOT FREE!!!

for most of us the 10.1 upgrade never occurred because we did not buy os x until 10.1!!!!!!!!!!!!

what with the coupons?
