One of my favorite self-defense stories. Unfortunately, I got it 3rd hand, so I may have some parts wrong. If anyone else has heard this story and knows some of the details I am missing, I'd love to hear em. It could even be an urban legend for all I know.
I once heard a story about an 80+ year old man in NYC who was a martial arts instructor - a real expert. He was small and frail looking, but obviously, his looks were deceptive.
One day, while he was walking home late at night, two teenage punks armed with knives leaped out and tried to mug him.
The old man destroyed them. Both attackers died. Each sustained 3 or 4 grave wounds, any one of which would have been fatal on its own.
Clearly it was self-defense, but one of the punks had been married, and his widow sued the old man, claiming that at his level of expertise, he should have been able to fend them off without killing them.
The old man beat the rap when his lawyer called in other experts from his particular martial art. They testified that the moves the old man had used were a standard self-defense sequence, used to fend off an unexpected attack. They said students had these moves drilled into their heads from day one, and so with no time to assess his opponents, the old man could not have switched to a less agressive defense.
The widow lost the suit.