Matrix Agent
Masochist Mascot
I think that Steve would view that as ruining the surprise. It's like we all get to see the new product ahead of time, before it drops to a price range that we can afford.

Quad 1.4-GHz PowerPC G4
256K L2 cache
& 2MB L3 cache/processor
1.5GB SDRAM memory
2x160GB Ultra ATA drive
AirPort Card
NVIDIA GeForce4 Titanium
56K internal modem
Well.. i guess that seems like a good idea, except you would frickin double the volume of those goddamn fans trying to keep FOUR processors cool. i have a 400 mhz g4. just one. it has a heat sink bigger than any i have seen on ANY pc (except those crazy japs and their liquid nitrogen cool P4's @ 3.8 ghz.) AND it has two fans: one in the back of the case, one on the side, and they're both fucking noisy. Now remember that you are going to have four processors, (i wont incorporate the new-tech/less-heat thing, cus you have more stuff in the case than i do now anyways) and they will EACH be running at MORE than 3 times the speed of mine. do you HONESTLY think they will fit the frickin heatsink in there with the current design (how big will the freakin daughter-card be!?)Quad 1.4-GHz PowerPC G4
Is that it?256K L2 cache
Again, is that it?& 2MB L3 cache/processor
Screw SDRAM.1.5GB SDRAM memory
Sorry to spoil your day deary, but there is a 137 Gb limit on any IDE drive with the current version(s) of ATA. try SCSI (or Serial ATA when it comes out) for decent performance. Or, maybe apple could give us the option to add FOUR internal IDE drives. (five if you use the zip bay)2x160GB Ultra ATA drive
Hmm. I think this needs to be an option.. For instance, if this were for a server, i would not need the option to burn a FRICKIN DVD on it. although the thought is nice, DVD is not a realistic back-up media.SuperDrive
Again, should be an option. the current g4 server's have no options. servers do not NEED high end graphics cards. this is a known FACT.NVIDIA GeForce4 Titanium
Originally posted by PowermacG4_450
Since Corel (anti mac) has NO intention of updating wordperfect, I would love to see apple buy the product rights from them, update it for both OS 9 and X, and re-release it!
Wordperfect is a great program and should be updated.. .corel wont do it.