What's your Internet connection ? How much ? Worth it ?

Internet connections (NOT your university, yours, the one you pay for)

  • I'm using DSL/Cable. I fond the price of it correct.

  • I'm using DSL/Cable, it's quite cheap !

  • I'm using DSL/Cable, it's just TOO expensive !

  • I'm using Wi-Fi or equivalent (tell what and why)

  • I'm not using broadband connection (tell why)

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if you are using ppoe you can get yourself a cheap little netgear router that will hook you right up and allow you to use the rest of your fun toys using NAT or DHCP. Even a cheaper Linksys will do the job for ya.
I have been with Earthlink DSL (via Covad) for over a year now, i believe.
Its 1500kbps down, and 384kbps up.. I always average those speeds, so, I have no complaints with the service.
I pay 49.95 a month, which sucks, when compared to other broadband options, such as cable, but.... I won't complain, since, DSL is the only option available here. - Plus, most cable users have 128kbps upload.. and I like the 384... :)
I have three computers networked in the house using a Netgear router (RT311) which supports PPPoE, and a netgear hub
Plus, I have over 300 FT of Cat5 wire all over the house.. :)

When I get the chance (and money), I want to go with a wireless network.. :)
Verizon DSL (actually, Verizon lines thru a third party provider since Verizon would not accomodate my Domain for e-mail purposes).

128 up/384(?) down, something like that. Real world speeds are around 20-30 KB up and 70-100 KB down give or take.

384 down is plenty fast, but I would like a touch faster upload speed as we tend to need to send large files for ad layouts and audio/video thumbs for client review.

I find the price to be a total crock ($65), but cable modem is about the same ($55 after all the fees) and I simply have to have high speed for work. Therefore, I accept the sodomy.

I dropped my home cable service and AT&T literally begged me to stay. I pretty much could have named my price, but it was totally useless since I work two blocks from home and no longer have a need for high speed at home. I would recommend anyone with guts call their current high speed provider and tell them you're gonig to switch to another carrier. I'll bet anything you can get them to chop off at least a few bucks per month. It might be worth it to some of you. I got my current DSL provider to give me a bunch of free hard disk space (60 MB up from 30 MB) and a free dial up for home. If you don't ask, you don't get.
Originally posted by ksv
We have a 704/128 kbit line from Telenor (the worst ISP ever, and unfortunately the owners of all copper lines in Norway). It costs $85 a month (yes, that was not a typo). The service sucks, they never reply to emails, and we only get 596 kbits of the 704 we're paying for. In two months they're going to start charging per megabyte of data downloaded/uploaded :mad:

Bloody hell! Now THAT sounds like a monopoly:(

(Are they owned by Deutche Telecom or France Telecom? Those two owe over €60 billion each and will do ANYTHING to reduce the debt.)

My connection is Telewest workwise 500 cable; 512kbps down, 256kbps up, £64 per month (business). Only gone down once in two years!
Originally posted by Lazzo

Bloody hell! Now THAT sounds like a monopoly:(

(Are they owned by Deutche Telecom or France Telecom? Those two owe over €60 billion each and will do ANYTHING to reduce the debt.)

My connection is Telewest workwise 500 cable; 512kbps down, 256kbps up, £64 per month (business). Only gone down once in two years!

Fortunately, Telenor is 70% owned by the State, so there is competition. But all other ISPs have to pay for using Telenor's copper lines, so I don't want to think about what would happen if Telenor went all private (and there is a danger for that to happen).
Originally posted by Lazzo

Are they owned by Deutche Telecom or France Telecom? Those two owe over €60 billion each and will do ANYTHING to reduce the debt.

FT [France Telecom] owes REALLY more. Recent problems with the Orange services and with concurrence has maybe doubled or tripled this €60.10*6 debt.
Originally posted by toast

FT [France Telecom] owes REALLY more. Recent problems with the Orange services and with concurrence has maybe doubled or tripled this €60.10*6 debt.

Then they are in real trouble. According to the Telegraph newspaper over here, FT as a whole is worth only €15bn, while DT is still worth around €45bn (I think - is that right?). I get the feeling that both Orange and Vodaphone are going to go solo again soon.

There can't be any forward thinking in these companies. The survivor (on continental Europe, at least) looks like being ksv's Telenor, not surprising given their monopoly status and horrendous charges.

Over here, NTL and Cable London have got their own struggles, but not on the scale of FT or DT. Different business structures. Meanwhile, British Telecom quietly goes its own way...

On a side note, it's 31°c in my office. The cable modem overheated and I've been offline for the last hour while it cooled down! Bum.

if you are using ppoe you can get yourself a cheap little netgear router that will hook you right up and allow you to use the rest of your fun toys using NAT or DHCP. Even a cheaper Linksys will do the job for ya.

umm i have an asante 10/100 router. I don't see how the type of router would make a difference, so would you have any idea how to make it work? I used to have the router do pppoe and the macs set up for dhcp. problem is once i went to SBC, this setup doesn't work. Thanks

I have seen quite a few routers that have pppoe capabilities, I personally haven't tested them out using it though. I have heard good things though.
I'm using Blueyonder Broadband and its a 512k connection. Costs £25 a month at the moment but I might upgrade to 1mb for an extra £10.

And that, my friends, is my first post :D
What a sore spot...

Until last week I had AT&TBroadband Cable Intenet Access. I had used them for 2 years, and they were pretty good. The service had gone down a few times, and usually only down a couple hours or so.

I'm in the middle of moving to a new house (that's currently being built), and AT&T is not an option there. I'm hoping that either Bellsouth or Earthlink will provide a decent DSL line though.

In the interim (the next 2 months) until my house is finished, I'm living in an extended stay apartment, forced to use - *gasp* - a dial-up account. It is really really hard to go back to dialup after years of using broadband, especially when you are a webdesigner by trade....
Originally posted by fryke
512 Kbit down, 128 Kbit up - Cable. Plus AirPort for my TiBook. Back in 1997 I was using a leased line with 28 Kbit up/down, for which I've paid 4 times the price. I guess I'm very fond of the broadband prices nowadays, and while I *could* have 1 MBit by now, I'm staying where I am, since the main reason I got broadband was a cheap replacement for a 'real' leased line.

Nice to hear something from other Swiss users... :-) At my home, I'm living in a rural site where there's no ADSL (too long distance to the phone central and an overhead cable) and where there's also no TV cable (except I dig my own cable of a lenght of 1,5 km for $67'000). So I decided me to a leased line (IP Plus Light from Swisscom itself - a fairly good price compared with a classic leased line with separate ISP) after some heavy ISDN phone bills because I also run Internet services like hosting some Web sites (yes, I could use my new "table lamp" as the new Web server thank to the Darvin UNIX included in MacOS X, but I don't ;-) so).
I have ATT broadband internet service... i think my dad pays 50 a month and he sas its worth it... my internet is very very fast... and it gives us email addresses with no extra charge! (unlike some people lately) This gave me an alternative after my .mac account was ripped away from me...

anyways... i think that the only problem with this service so far is that it used to be @home and as many of you might know they went bankrupt. we spent about 2 weeks with NO internet *shudder* and it was pure hell.. now that is over with and i am proud to say i am purely happy with AT&T and have no complaints!

The Mac Geekette
i went to the trouble of starting another pppoe thread in a different forum. then i got off my ass and just fixed it myself. my router had pppoe built in, I just wasn't setting it up right.

And NOW back to our topic.:p