I'm a college sophomore who used to pirate software (usually shareware, and that's the worst thing to pirate) fairly frequently with not too many moral objections. But before I went to college, I bought my own iMac with my own money and decided that because of how easy it is to pirate software at college, I would like to keep it 'clean.'
Last semester I bought my first and only shareware program, a $15 music notation program called Melody Assistant. Not only did it enable some features that I wouldn't have had without registering (like, say, the ability to actually print out scores so I could turn in my assignments

), I found that it felt
great to pay for software just because I felt I genuinely needed it. That's one of the three pieces of software I've bought since I've been at college. The other two have been Mac OS X and Diablo II. I have no illegal software on my hard drive, and I'm damned proud of it.
Instead I go to VersionTracker almost daily and pick up anything that says "Free" in the License column and looks useful. The thrill of finding a great piece of software that's legitimately free probably just about matches that of finding Photoshop 7 on your Carracho server, or whatever. Try it sometime. I can suggest some of the replacements I've found, under Mac OS X (I recently trashed my Mac OS 9 applications so I'll have even less incentive to boot back into that antiquated OS anymore):
Word Processor: Okito Composer. Nice, Cocoa-fied, does the job. Not compatible with Word, I think. Will you live? Or, if you want to play with the big boys, LaTeX via teTeX and TeXShop. I love LaTeX and use it for any paper I have to write that's longer than a page.
Graphics: I'm not artsy, so the GIMP satisfies all my graphic creation needs. But for the manipulation I do on the pictures for my website, I won't even pay $30 for GraphicConverter when I can instead use ToyViewer and PixelNHance for free. And speaking of web sites...
Web site creation: Straight HTML, in BBEdit Lite. And since I'm hosting using Mac OS X I can even make my own CGI scripts (in Python, also free).
Programming: As above, Python mostly. But if I'm not mistaken, you can do a lot just with Mac OS X... aren't Java and Perl and C already implemented? And those developer tools... whew. Screw CodeWarrior. If I want to do some serious programming I'll reach for Project Builder and learn from there.
Web browsing: IE 5.0. Sigh. OmniWeb is too slow for me, although I use it to access HTML manuals, etc, on my disk. Opera sucks ass on OS X. iCab is a joke. Right now I'm putting my hopes on Chimera... cross yer fingers.
Music: Melody Assistant, as above. Kicks ass, takes names, runs on OS X, cheap as dirt. Also Csound. Wow, I can't wait to learn how to use Csound.
And there you have it, and I've never for a moment missed Office, Photoshop, anything. I even threw away AppleWorks.
The only things of dubious morality on my hard drive are some music videos, some episodes of Sealab 2021 that I can't watch because RealPlayer doesn't exist for OS X, and some songs that (a) aren't available commercially, (b) are on CD's I would never buy, (c) are on albums I would buy if I could find them. Not that I'm looking too hard. Sigh. No one's perfect.
Just wanted to make my absolute first post here a doozy, and hopefully try to convince some people to give up warez. It really is very gratifying.
-The Valrus